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Swad's Application

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Swad, 24 Sep 2012.

  1. Greetings all. My online alias for most games is the same as my forum name, though I drop back to Swaud if someone has hijacked my normal alias. My actual name is Erik--not to be confused with Eric the Half-a-Bee. I'd like to join the CDL ranks for the PS2 division after spending some time here in beta running some ops along with CDL and reading through the materials detailing what CDL is all about.

    Rather than get too detailed with my gaming history, I'll just kindof start with my roots and then highlight stuff since then. My real hook with online team-based games started back when Quakeworld was released for Quake and thus the new era of larger scale FPS gaming was birthed on the Internet. I found a nice little beta mod in 1996 for it called Team Fortress and was instantly hooked. The rest was history from there for me. I've played the various Quake games, Unreal games, Half-life and countless mods for all of them. All of the Battlefield series have been loads of fun. I count the Battlefield games as the most fun I've had overall. I did play some Tribes 2 and Planetside as well. There are many others I have dabbled in I'm sure, but I'd have to sit here a while naming all of the various things I've played. Historically speaking, FPS games have really been my forte, though less so in recent years.

    As far as MMO games go, I've had a history with them as well. That all started with Ultima Online and from there a number of others like City of Heroes, Dark Age of Camelot, Warhammer Online and others I'm sure. I played WoW far more than I probably should have, but that was the one game that ate the most of my time in any sort of MMO gaming. I don't know if we would call World of Tanks an MMO, but I've played that a plenty as well. All in all, my gaming history online is pretty vast and goes back over a decade and a half. It's been an addiction which I've been working on curbing some.

    Moving on to groups I've played with, my first clan was SOB who I joined after getting out of college for the Unreal Tournament mod called Infiltration. I joined up with another clan called LAW (Lost at War) for some Urban Terror (Quake 3 mod). We later merged with a clan called LICK (Liquorfish). Along comes a game called Planetside. I came back alongside SOB to ride in with the newly formed Planetside outfit called Allied Tribal Forces (mostly Tribes 2 clans and then us from SOB). I played quite a bit of WOW in the later days with ATF as well. My Battlefield days had me playing at first with an offshoot of the Arstechnica community called ArsClan and then later I played with a clan called Team Devastation, who I still keep in touch with for Battlefield games (which I haven't done in about a year). I've played with a number of different groups--usually for the reason that the group I was currently part of was not actively playing something new which I got an interest in. I would have to find another group to join up with to play organized with others.

    At this point in time I am not active with any gaming clan / guild / group. I mostly went on a hiatus from organized play when I left Allied Tribal Forces around the beginning of the year. I've been trying to cut back on my inordinate amount of time spent online with gaming and trying to get out into that big blue room with that bright yellow disk floating around. That said, I still appreciate getting together with friends online and rolling together, thus my interest in CDL. I really have liked what I've seen while running PS2 beta ops. The level of organization and overall professional teamwork that is pushed as paramount is the sort of thing I enjoy--all while in good fun. I prefer to see myself as a cog in a well oiled machine rather than trying to be the lone wolf hotshot trying to prove... who knows what. A good team like CDL is the sort of thing I like to be a part of.

    Holy wall of text, Batman--I might be done. Sorry to get so wordy. I can touch on any other things which someone may wish to ask about.
    Last edited: 24 Sep 2012
  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Heya Swad! Thanks for applying :D Played some Urban Terror myself back in the day :brow:

    Good luck!
  3. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Hail and well met!
  4. Good luck and welcome!
  5. Hi Swad! Welcome to the application process and good luck! :thumbsup:
  6. Hey, Swad! I didn't know you were in SOB for Infiltration, too! I loved that mod! I just don't remember you... unless you went by a different alias then?
  7. I went by Swad back then. It has been quite a while, though, and it wasn't for a whole long time that I was with SOB. I remember a lot of the old guys from the Infiltration days, though. Sllm, Bad Chicken, Dakota, Grunt and I'm sure many others I can't remember right now. I remember you as Termie as well.
  8. Ah, well it's good to know that I used to play alongside you those many many years ago.
  9. Welcome to the app process, Swad. :)
  10. Jennyboo

    Jennyboo Public Relations Officer Officer

  11. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    Swad! :hi: Welcome and good luck in the recruiting process!

    Good to see you sigining up! :thumbsup:
  12. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Hello and welcome to the 'process'.

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