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Sword of the Stars

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Aeternus, 30 May 2006.

  1. Just randomly came across this game while looking for any signs of MOO IV - i didn't find any, but i didn't look to hard.

    The game appears to have promise...and a little of the feel of Galactic Civilizations 2 by Stardock, another good take on galactic domination.

    Official Site here

    - you can download a few trailers here as well as find screenshots, concept art, and wallpapers if u felt moved to use them.

    Additional screenies here

    Some of the dev team worked on Homeworld: Cataclysm...

    Oh...and if anyone is interested in playing the classic but doesn't have a copy...Master of Orion can be downloaded here - freeware.
    Last edited: 30 May 2006
  2. *bump*......no one has even looked at this!!! :(
  3. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Homeworld was a great game.. so was Master of Orion, it'd be nice to have a decent space RTS to play again.. This looks pretty good.. :D
  4. I don't know, overall it doesn't really seem much better than homeworld. Don't think the cartoony graphics style works with space rts all that great either. Empire at War is also a pretty decent more traditional space RTS.
  5. well... unless i'm mistaken, this isn't an RTS but a TBS with real time tactical combat.

    Regardless, i thought i might end up being fun, so i posted.

    and i'm not saying this will be better, or even have any form of tactical ground combat, but i really didn't care for the ground assaults on Empire at War. Space battles were awesome, but didn't think much of ground combat.
  6. demo is up at fileplanet. rawr
  7. that kinda scares me as I remember some beta slots being open through x-fire only a little while ago...dl now though..we'll see
  8. ...yeah I wondered when this game was going to get a mention here...
  9. deleted worthless comment
    Last edited: 27 Jul 2006

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