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SWtOR PvP battlezone Aldreaan

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Asp, 8 Nov 2010.

  1. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Small scale pvp battlezone

    Interesting pvp, albeit a bit small scale, but a nice introduction. Some interactive elements like shooter maps, but basically a pretty 16 person arena type pvp zone.

    More than anything, it makes me want to get a look at what they've got planned for larger scale or open pvp. :cool:

    Interesting bit too, you can see a jedi throwing a boulder with the force in the fight; it'd be interesting to see how much of the world is interactive like that.
    Last edited: 9 Nov 2010
  2. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Interestingly also, the video has snippets of how most classes can help heal, and do damage.. You've got shots of the imperial agents, who are typically long range dps dealers, also pitching in the heal a sith fighting a jedi.. So it looks like the roles might be a bit more hybrid from the start than other games.
  3. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    That boulder toss looks like the same method they used in City of Heroes for telekinesis. In there the object just appears out of the blue. In CoH it was a random real world object that you teleported and threw. Gargoyle, kitchen table, fork lift, engine block - you never knew ahead of time what would appear, but they all did the same damage. We learned that it was also random to other players too. I had a battle cry of "Couch!" whenever I would throw a couch. Just to find out that almost no one but me saw the couch. "Dude, why do you yell couch when you throw a dumpster or fork truck?"

    The only question I would have is will you yank a boulder out of the ground when you are standing on a space station? Or will they make it location appropriate. Decking peels back and a pipe goes flying?

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