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Tabula Rasa

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Daleon, 30 Apr 2007.

  1. Check you email, I just got my invite and downloading as we speak!
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Nothing for me this morning....
  3. Got an hr of play in last night. At first I was like, omg this looks horrible. Then I thought, wait what are my visuals set to? They were terrible, so maxed them out and its defintely decent looking now. Its still very beta, as going near or jumping on top of objects causes a bad shake and unstable appearence. Intro missions are good. Interface is decent. Character skill trees look interresting.

    Its not completely simple, which is good to me but might be frustrating for some. Character creation is fairly limited and doesn't appear you can have a very unqiue look.

    Combat is pretty nice. No auto aim. Run and gun works but crouching and aiming for a specific target does alot more damage. Appears mobs have an auto-target though which I don't really like. Defintely was good enough to make me want to get home quick and play some more.
  4. Rane

    Rane DragonWolf

    Thanks for the update Daleon. Keep us posted.
  5. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Wow, that's surprising coming from NC Soft. Though they're probably not releasing the more customizable characters til later on. Probably just want to get the game engine in line first.
  6. Its still pretty limited. US Servers are only up Tues, Thurs, and Fr-Sun I think.

    Its still very AO'ish without the auto-aim. Lots of lewt, lots of different kinds of weapons, etc. Missions can be a bit tough since exploring with groups of highly agro enemies are scattered all over.

    There are tons of npcs fighting each other all over. Best way to level I've found so far is just get in the middle of a battle and try to constantly keep killing. As you kill the exp bonus grows, so non-stop fighting can start to reward some nice exp. Ofcourse non-stop npc slaughter gets old after a while to.
  7. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Still no email from NCSoft....
  8. I have to admit, this one could be a winner. Its defintely hooking me in. Can't wait to get home and play it, not playing anythinge else, etc.

    Class system goes along a split tree style. Everyone starts as a novice that has basic skills to be trained. From there you can go solider or specialist. Along the solider line you can go commando, guardian, spy, etc. Specialist looks like it has demolitions, biological weapons, healer, maybe a pet class not sure.

    So far its really hard to have any real interaction with other players. Its difficult to even really tell players apart from NPCs much of the time and you move around so fast everyone is just a blurr. No real grouping it seems, this may change later as instances get harder. Haven't seen much of the world yet, don't know if its really open yet or not.
  9. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I dunno - something about an FPS where I need to shoot real people :p

    This just seems like a step back from a game like PlanetSide :( :(

    Regardless I applied for beta a few months back to check it out, no invite yet though.
  10. Its defintely not PS. I'd love to see a mix of PS and this. Ppl were always so uptight about bringing RPG elements into PS. It might have lasted longer if they had stuff like item drops, rare equipment and weapons, and some in game content to accomplish. Doesn't have to be non-stop NPC killing, but actual PvP missions would be freaking awsome I think. Go out and kill 20 max units lol or infiltrate and capture 5 towers, etc. Some nice rewards, more skills and levels. That would be a fun game.

    I don't know if theres any pvp in this or not, doesn't appear to be. Seems to all be one faction.
  11. I've been playing it since monday, it's pretty okay for a beta, plenty of glitches around, but nothing game breaking that i've found.
  12. Got a 17 Commando and a 16 Ranger. The cloning is a nice touch to let you try different paths. Most say leveling is really easy but I haven't really found the nack to it yet I guess as its going fairly slow. Quests give good exp but finding stuff is rough and run into a few that are bugged and won't turn in. I don't think the clan thing works to well but I can make one and try and send you an invite.

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