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Tarr Chronicles: Fade of Ghosts

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 14 Sep 2007.

  1. It's not surprising I like games that attract a lot of attention, not just because of their replayability but the chance to make great mods with them. There are, however, times when I get really excited about some of the more unusual titles. This is one of those times. Tarr Chronicles is a project created by the guys who helped build the very successful NEOCRON MMO-games.

    Set in a wartorn future, the universe is literally being flushed down the proverbial toilet and the Human race is on the brink of annhilation. A hostile species known as the De'Khete is taking control of the galaxy one system at a time, crushing all those who against them. You (the player) are an elite pilot aboard the Talestra; a battlecruiser stranded behind enemy lines that has just discovered a derelit city on an ancient, forgotton world... a city holding technologies that may turn the tide of the entire war. Unfortunately for you and your crew, the De'Khete have also found the alien technology and so your mission is help protect your ship's return home.

    Despite appearances the specs to run this game are impressively mild, promising an enjoyable experience for both the casual and hardcore audiences of the genre. What's more, the story and customisation has similarities to "Homeworld-meets-Starcraft2", the graphics are like EVE Online and the gameplay is comparable to Freespace 2! If you are a fan of any one of these games, I think you should definitely watch out for this one.

    Tarr Chronicles: Fade of Ghosts is expected for release on September 17th 2007. If you are insterested, the best thing to do is to go to its official site, or to watch the Russian PC Trailer.
    Last edited: 14 Sep 2007

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