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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Daleon, 27 Apr 2012.

  1. I think Lunar and Black were gonna be doing GW2. I've already had it pre-ordered. Since its a nob-sub game like the first its an easy pickup even if I only play it once in a blue moon.

    Tera I had been avoiding since it has such a typical korean\final fantasy appearance and I always tire of those quickly. But all of the player feedback I've read has been pretty impressive. The overall game world doesn't look that much better at least in videos but I can definitely seem some nice jumps in models and animations. The main thing everyone talks about is the combat system being manual combat control instead of auto-attack button mashing. Anyone played any yet to give some feedback?
  2. Some websites to review...

    Tera: = http://tera.enmasse.com/
    Guild Wars 2: = http://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/

    I haven't played GW2 yet though I was the proud owner of the first one, albeit like most massive worlds it can be hard sticking with any game if none of your friends are playing it, too.

    As you say, Tera is not F2P and so, without exmployment, I wouldn't be able to get involved right away. Having said that, if the combat system is even remotely similar to Skyrim, I must ask where it's been all my life. Before now PlanetSide has been the only MMOFPS out there with combat that is your own instead of scripted... it's high time we saw a semi-medieval competitor.
  3. TERA Collectors Edition Unboxing: =
    <iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Cy5Qm9ho6Ww" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>

    According to a photo and details at Amazon UK, you get a 100-page art book, CD soundtrack, some trading cards and a T-Shirt as well as the map of Tera, though this appears to differ from what North American gamers receive in a big way.

    Guild Wars 2 Pre-Purchase Video (UK): =
    <iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/TdJZTOuM5ak" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>

    Guild Wars 2 Collector's Edition Contents: = https://buy.guildwars2.com/collectors-edition

    While GW2 is 25GB hard drive space, Tera needs 50GBs... I think I need a new laptop!
    Last edited: 27 Apr 2012
  4. Got about an hr of play in so far. Servers are loaded but running pretty smooth. Game is pretty decent looking. The combat is fun. Being able to actually dodge and weave and get behind mobs is pretty nice.
    Last edited: 28 Apr 2012
  5. I'm probably more interested in The Secret World - yet another subs-MMO needing rediculously large hard drive space - though there are no classes or fixed character progression so you can play how you want (within the confines of the three empires, of course).

    There is also a viral element called The Secret War; a browser-based metagame, it links to the MMO itself and provides a chance to access the Beta or win some prizes. Game comes out 19th June.
  6. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

    Fun thing if you like TSW and easter eggs....

    1) go to www.funcom.com

    2) click anywhere on the page that isn't a link.

    3) type 33

    4) profit
  7. Way cool!
  8. Secret World Beta Weekend

    Between 15th-17th June, Funcom is holding a beta weekend with the most recent build of the game, and NVIDIA is giving away keys for the event.

    If you want in, however, you should act now as there are only 40,000 keys available [link]...

    The "fourth seal" for that puzzle wheel will be unlocked 9th June. Here is the code to access it:

    Last edited: 7 Jun 2012
  9. Just got my key, thanks for the link Hyncharas!
  10. Ok, the last image I gave was for an ARG. Of course, without knowledge of the prior chapters it's hard to put it into the proper context...

    If people have tried to log into NVIDIA's beta already, it's only active between 15th-17th June; if you want to be in the Beta now you have to pre-order. TSW's release date has been revised to 3rd July.
    Last edited: 9 Jun 2012

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