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The 5th Column

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Great Dane, 30 Mar 2006.

  1. Great Dane


    Some of you may think I am talking about the guys from CoH, but I am only refering to where they took their name from. Here is the origins of the term:


    I can not help but wonder when I see pictures of 500,000 people in the streets of LA, or even the throngs that set to the streets here in San Jose, or in San Francisco if we do not have a 5th column here in the United States.

    Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the Mexican people. Infact every Mexican I have ever worked with had a work ethic that puts most peoples to shame. What I do have a problem with is them waving the Mexican flag, while trying to change the United States of America's governemnt.

    One need only look to France for a cuase for worry. People of roughly the same age group are rioting in France because of legislation they do not like. I can only imagine the chaos the would become California, if these peaceful protests turned violent. 500,000 marched in LA alone by comparison that's roughly 4x the ammount of troops we have in Iraq.

    It's clear that something needs to be done about immigration, but I have no idea what. Personally I favor annexing Mexico. It would be cheaper in the long run to make them all Americans and improve the infrastructure of Mexico then it would be to keep trying to shut them all out. Not that I think that will ever be an option, but one can dream.

    Any thoughts on the matter?
  2. yer right about the work ethic...for sure..funny our president mentioned that in one of his speeches..."they are willing to do the jobs americans won't"....not can't....wont...whole other topic for discussion there i suppose tho..heh
  3. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    We were just talking about this yesturday.... and I believe we came up with a solution: Furbolgs guarding the borders. Now before you balk at the idea think about how effective they are at keeping people out of winterspring/moonglade..... you either get them to like you, or get them to hate you..... and believe you me, no one wants to anger an angry furbolg.

    In all seriousness, we are doomed..... not just because of immigration issues, but it will play a part. I heard somewhere that if the fertility rates and mortality rates stay on the same trend, the world's population will double in something like 20 years (can't remember exactly, but it was NOT that long of time). :eek:

    I am scared...... hold me.
  4. I don't think you have to worry about the protests turning voilent. That would be counter-productive. It is a people protesting to gain and/or keep rights. To have their voice heard. In France it is dissaffected youth riots more than protests.

    There's a couple amazingly stupid things going on. First, Senators keep claiming that it's a security threat. Bullshit. Something like 15 of the 17 terrorists from 9/11 came in through Canada. But I don't see us building a god damn wall across that boarder.

    Second, if you look at the immegration policies of countries like France (which we are now trying to emulate) you end up with a segregated and dissafected immegrant population that just promotes fundamentalism.

    Finally, everyone should spend some time listening to Carlos Mencia. That is one smart man.

    As he so beautifully pointed out, they want to throw the 11 million illegal Mexican's in this country back into Mexico, then build a huge wall to keep them all out. Who's going to build the wall? :p

    Not children appropriate ;)
  5. carlos mencia is the best!!! ive followed him for years...
  6. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    It's the problem of the Government once again not having the focus of the people. When was the last time your Congressman actually visited your home town? Exactly, only when he's trying to get votes. When he needs you. With all the special interest groups hogging up our voting rights, it's hard to get a word into our government. It's no longer "by the people, for the people" it's "by the people who can buy the government". It sickens me to no end to hear my wife complain about how such and such isn't fair when she didn't even vote. It's at this time I do get on my soap box and tell her that it's up to people like her and I to get informed about our representatives.

    But it's too easy to bitch and moan about things instead of GETTING INVOLVED. Sometimes I think that the Govt. is behind time wasters such as the Internet and WoW to take our minds away from that which is affecting our lives each and every day. Sort of like dumbing down America. Besides, isn't Bush's unofficial election slogan "An ignorant people is a Republican people"?
  7. Honestly, I never really got into his stuff until last week :p I caught a couple episodes of Mind of Mencia last season, but I just saw his latest Comedy Stand Up special on Comedy Central and it we just brilliant. I'm a big fan now!
  8. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Just a clarification, because this kind of crap really pisses me off..

    Retraction and apology

    NONE of the 9/11 terrorists came in through the Canadian border. Urban myth perpetuated by the uninformed, looking to lay blame anywhere but on their own doorstep.

    Nevermind that regardless of what border they cross INTO the US from, its American Customs that lets them through, not Mexican or Canadian. Real live Americans sit at most near-border airport customs posts up here checking passports of people headed into the U.S. When you land you're checked by US customs again. So the idea that someone else held the door open for terrorists to enter the U.S. is ridiculous. Gingrich should've been re-examining border security, not trying to find a scape goat.

    As an aside the last time I went to visit Redeyes in California, I didn't know his new address down there, and didn't fill it in on my travel card. I was turned away for not having the information filled out. With my flight about to leave in the hour, I phoned around trying to find anyone who knew what his address was (Red was out and not answering his phone). In some desperation, I made up an address in Paolo Alto, and walked back in line. SAME Texan accented customs officer waved me through with a couple questions, right after. Not exactly the tightest security I can think of. Racial profiling aside, I somewhat doubt your border is any more secure than it was 5 years ago.
  9. Sorry, but there is an overabundance of ignorant and loudmouthed democrats - not saying there aren't any republicans like that, just that they definately don't have the monopoly ;)

    and -
    Are you implying something about the intellectual capacity of those of us residing in TX? ;)

    Either way - the border/immigration is a very important issue and definately does need attention. Believing otherwise is akin to sticking your head in your ass and saying it smells great. I'd say that illegal immigration/border security is one of the most critical domestic issues of our life time with regards to the long term health/survival of our nation.
  10. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    heh, nah, just that its a very recognizable accent.. I have relatives that live in houston, and I've forgotten how many times I've been sent to Dallas for business training.. :p
  11. It definately is a recognizable accent...when I moved here to TX from Maryland when i was a teenager, i did my best to articulate everything very precisely so as to not pick up any accent.
  12. I hope the comment about annexing Mexico was a joke.

    That would be the worst possible thing for the U.S. to do, unless Vicente Fox called George Bush and said "hey, please annex us. we want it." Even then... not a good idea.

    I don't mean to change the subject (and I also understand what I'm implying here), but the U.S. got involved in the Gulf War because Iraq tried to 'annex' Kuwait. Well, not so much annex as just blatently take over.

    I'm very glad that United States citizens are protesting like they are. It is a testament to our democracy and our constitution that these people have the right to do so. I am, however, unhappy that so many of them are protesting blindly. I doubt many if any of them actually know the details behind what they're chanting in these rallies. It makes me sad to see so many high school aged students staging walk-outs and marching down streets. I'm all for youth being involved in democracy, and I believe many of them have extremely well developed ideas. But a majority of them are participating simply because this is a national issue and want to "be a part of history." If anything, these students should realize that they need to be IN school to LEARN about what's going on, rather than protesting without a purpose. I do find it unfortunate that so many illegal aliens are protesting as well. Our constitution does not provide them with the same legality.

    While I'm on the subject, I would like to comment on the high school principal in Texas who decided to fly the Mexican flag on his flag pole. I think that was a horrible decision on his part. While I do believe that Mexican heritage plays an important part in our country's culture, I don't think displaying a Mexican Flag under a flag of the United States of America is the way to go about this. The Flag represents allegience... by displaying a Mexican flag on a pole under a U.S. flag, this is, in essence, declaring allegience to that country. In another case in Texas, the Mexican flag was flown ABOVE the U.S. flag. This is unacceptable in my opinion, and is borderline treason. By claiming it was free speech, the person who did it showed his ignorance. You cannot fly a mexican flag on a school's flag pole because that school is an entity of the state (note: I'm using the word state in the context of government, not in the context of "there are 50 states.") Free speech would be flying a mexican flag on a private citizen's flag pole which is on their own property. There are limits in everything.

    I'm watching this situation closely. This is United States history in the making.
    Last edited: 2 Apr 2006
  13. Great Dane


    A large portion of the people protesting are not U.S. Citizens. They are Mexican Nationals here illeagly and they are trying to change U.S. policy. Thats why I used the "5th column" reference to describe them.

    The fact that they wave the Mexican Flag at their rallies shows they are not Americans wanting a fair deal for immigrants, they are Mexicans defending Mexicans. As far as the Flag situation in Texas, I agree it is unacceptable to fly a forigen nations flag at any State institution anywhere in the United States. That princepal should be fired.

    Also when I mentioned annexing Mexico, I was not advocating invading and taking over mexico. It would obviously have to be done through an agreement by both nations similar to how Germany was reunified. War isn;t the only way that countries come togeather, and fall apart.
  14. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    The INS should have pulled up in a few busses at those protests with armed officers, they would have all scattered in every direction. :lol:
  15. Thanks for clearing that up. I actually got that from an interview I saw on TV the other day, goes to show you not to believe everything you see on TV!

    Anywho, the didn't come from Mexico either so I still think that argument is BS.
  16. I agree with your 5th Column reference. However, don't quote me out of context. At the end of the same paragraph of mine that you quoted, I have this line:
    I'm enjoying this conversation... let's keep it up.
  17. As to the threat posed by our lack of border security:

    I saw a report on MSNBC i believe, stating that as part of an internal government investigation (don't recall which agency) our own people were able to smuggle across the components for a dirty bomb through both borders. I'm afraid I don't have more specifics. I'll try to look it up, but its really late right now. But basically showed that the border situation is a total wash and the Dept. of Homeland Security has either not attempted or has been unable to make any progress towards securing our borders...

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