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The Golden Pickle - Part 2

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by PurePain, 17 Jan 2004.

  1. I use to love the golden pickle. The golden kind found deep in the forest. But those days are over now. Not by choice though. If it were up to me I would be very satisfied with the constant aroma of the Golden Pickle. If fact it would quite enjoyable. One evening when the moon was at high flight I took a peek into the bed of the pickle and found a new pickle beside it. Not as big as the original one but it did posses the same special golden glow. When I touch the new pickle the original one faded away. This was not sad for me because I knew something great was about to happen.

    The time has arrived for a new era of the Golden Pickle!

    I would very much like to be accepted to your PlanetSide outfit. I am an old GhostBear (Tribes2) governing body member. Please contact TerribleIvan for a reference. Please let me in, it's cold out here.

  2. Ivan

    Ivan DragonWolf

    ROFL, I forgot about the golden pickel! PurePain used to run GB's T2 servers for a while. He was a member of "The Taken" which basicly was GB's members that help support the tribe in one way or an other, bandwidth in his case. Although it was MY IDEA I just didn't have the server or bandwidth! I've known PurePain for years and work with him now.
    Last edited: 18 Jan 2004
  3. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    ...and the Ghostbears shall rise again to conquer another planet.

    Now we need Prophet to stop wearing Purple and come over to the dark side.

    Welcome PurePain. Be sure to send a /tell to Thronebeast, Zuvarg, Moongarm, KaozReign, Manitou or Marsman for an outfit invite.

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