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The witcher

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Rax Nahali, 26 Nov 2007.

  1. Based on the bioware aurora engine, the witcher is a game that looks nothing like it's nwn predecessor. I haven't gotten that far into the game yet, but the guys who put this thing together sure do know how to set the mood! One of the best opening movie/action/cutscene sequences I've ever experienced!
    This looks like a gritty little game with an adult theme. Excellent graphics, and a pretty good soundtrack. If you can find a demo anywhere, give it a look.
    Might be well worth your time.:D
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I saw an ad for this in Games for Windows. What I can't stand is why every single time a fantasy themed game comes along, it seems the main character looks like either Elric or Drizzt. I was going to take a look at this game at some point. Probably d/l the 'demo' when it becomes available.
  3. Rane

    Rane DragonWolf

    A buddy of mine showed me this the other day. I agree with that opening movie comment it is very impressive. Whats cool about the game is that every decision you make has consequences that effect you directly later on. I should be getting a copy soon myself.

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