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This is a sad day!

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Palmira, 2 Dec 2006.

  1. Well, I really hate to have to say this.....but I think it is time for me and Jake to move on and give up WOW. *cries* As some of you know, the acct was hacked several weeks ago by someone and blizzard was really kind about returning almost all of our items, a couple of days ago, after I ran all the virus scans and ad aware scans and reset the password we were hacked again. This time though my 60 hunter and 41 priest, Jakes 31 shaman and 20 something warrior was completely deleted and the other toons were just hacked. I contacted blizzard again and it is under investigation and I went through the scans and password thing again. While at the hospital working I called home to check on things and Chris informed me that once again we were hacked and this time every single character on all the servers have been deleted. This was a total of 13 characters! I have come to the conclusion that it probably is someone who knows exactly who it is they are hacking and must not like us. I have not and never will give our info to anyone but this just seems so malicious and intentional it is hard to believe that they do not know us in some way.
    Having said all that, I want you all to know that we have loved every minute of playing this game and playing with all of you, and have appreciated how you accepted us into your guild family so quickly. I really don't want to leave the game but at this point I really do not know what else to do. All of you know what its like to put the time into your toons, and to have it all (all of them) just deleted is just so depressing. So, if we do not see you in game, this is the reason!
    Thank you for your support and your friendships. : )
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Well I hope your entire family sticks around and waits on the next big game we decide to play. It would be a shame to not play along side you guys again. The times we all had on TN were some of the best times I ever played in WoW. Don't be a stranger to the boards either. Tell Chris I said hello and all that jazz.
  3. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    Change your password on your router too. And the wireless key.
  4. Thank you Sentrosi, same here, those were really good times and i really miss playing with the old guild guys.....but i enjoy the new guild guys too. We will stick around, kind of like old gum that you cant get off your fingers...hahaha. Def. looking forward to the next big game, im definitely hooked on these online games now so i cant wait.

    Im not too sure about how to change the password on the browser but I'll try to figure it out. Some of the guys also advised i should reformat the computer and reinstall windows and wow but im not sure that would even work.

    Thanks for your help! Cant wait to hear from Blizz too.
  5. I am sorry to hear that things happened the way they did. I hope all goes well and to see you guys in the next game :). It was a blast playing with you, Jake and Chris. Tell them i said hello. keep us updated on things in the form. don't be a stranger :p.
  6. So sorry to see you going palmira =/

    but you can always look at the bright side of things and do other thins you would've previously used playing WoW =]
  7. oh palmira, i am so sorry to hear that things went that way :(

    it does sound like something bad though :( hopefully a new game will bring you back :) and you can always hang around and harrass us here :)

    :hugs: hopefully things will work themselfs out :) tell jake and chris hi for me and give them a big hug :)
  8. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    Or put on the leather bustier and fight crime. Or make crime.

    Not sure how basic to make this, so don't take offense if I am talking down to you. Anyhow you should have a router in your house. That router has a firewall in it. That firewall needs to have it's admin password changed. If not, then that would be where you are getting screwed.

    Basically the wire from the back of the computer goes into a router.
  9. She is on Dialup and doesn't have a router. I would definitely go with the format and reload strategy at least as far as the operating system and all goes. Don't know if I would bother to reinstall WoW at this point though.

    Well girl, I hate to hear this, but I don't blame you for not wanting to stay in WoW. You take care of yourself and tell Jake and Chris I said hi as well. Look forward to seeing you in the next big game.
  10. I havent totally given up on it yet..... I am still hoping there is an end to this tragedy and we can still play, its just not looking too good at the moment...I miss u guys and whether or not we get to play wow again, we will still come here and see how your all doing. We def will be around for the next big game and looking forward to playing with you again. Thanks for all the advice on how to solve my problem and hopefully it will work. :D

  11. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    Dial up can be just as bad. The hacking tools in that arena are pretty robust, just because they have been around for so long.

    The good news, what little there is of it, is that they party will likely be caught.

    If the WoW staff are on the ball they put a watch on your account. So they could see everyone accessing your account.

    If so, they got everything they need to nail the bastage. Which I would dearly love to see.
  12. Oh sweetness, that is the best news i have heard in a long time. I would love it if they could catch them too! Bad thing is they could probably just start up a new acct. and do it all over again. But alas i have a new way to log on to WOW, i changed all my passwords at work not on my computer and Chris showed me how to jumble letters and symbols in notebook and then cut and paste my acct and password so i just ctrl c and ctrl v to paste them. This i hope will keep them from hacking me now.......... i hope : )

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