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This makes me mad.

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Hamma, 25 Nov 2009.

  1. Nothing surprizes this ex-solider with the current democrats in power, i wasnt a bush fan but its getting scary whats even thought about being done anymore across the board...........

    This is not fair to the Seals that tried to carry out the Mission...........
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I simply don't even want to get started on this subject. I read it and I was almost overwhelmed with anger. This is happening because people are viewing the Long War (The War on Terror) as a criminal prosecution rather than a declared war. This is a war, stop acting like it is a game of cops and robbers.

    I hate war, because it is the result of a failure of some kind. But when we decide to pursue it, then do it to the fullest definition of the word, and finish what we started.
  3. I wish that I were surprised, but I'm really only left with anger and frustration.
  4. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Mad doesn't even come close Hamma. I can't express it because the English language has yet to come up with the words.
  5. Oakfist

    Oakfist DragonWolf

    Hmmm, as an ex-soldier myself. I can tell you that this will cause ALOT more war criminals to not be brought/captured "alive" anymore....Think about that and make of it what you will....

    I am with Sentrosi and others, this makes me beyond angry.

    And to top it off, it shows the picture of the tortured and mutilated bodies of the American's hanging from the bridge in the background. That in itself pisses me off.

    I can not comment anymore for the anger and bile rising in my throat.
  6. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf


    I was going to say that.

    "Gee, if we bring him back and he has an owie, we might go to jail."

    Disgusting. They are putting people in a situation they have no business being in.
  7. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    Agreed, this is ridiculous. I imagine that the charges could be dismissed in a court-martial proceeding, though (hopefully).

    Technically, this isn't a declared war. Congress passed no declaration of war, and neither President Bush, nor President Obama signed one. You're absolutely correct, though, that it isn't exactly a criminal matter, though there are many parallels with Prohibition-era organized crime. It's really a new sort of conflict, being at war with a non-state actor. President Bush had the foresight to realize this, though his mistake was to attempt to make new law unilaterally, without involving Congress.

    I'm not sure I agree with you here. The Obama administration has, unfortunately, been far too much like the Bush administration which he campaigned so vociferously against.

    I must admit, though, that I haven't been following current events as closely as I used to (having a kid will do that :p), so it's entirely possible that I've missed some things which the government has been considering. What is being proposed that is scaring you?
  8. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I'm upset by it, too.

    I do not want us to become like them. It's so hard in the heat of things to respond to harassment, provocation and brutal torture with cool indifference. ...so do we train our men to be cold, heartless, calculated, numb robots mindlessly carrying out orders without a conscience?? or do we want them to have a sense of right and wrong?...any human who can be wronged can be roused into a rage and with enough provocation will react.

    There's not a right answer, is there?
  9. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    You are correct that the US Congress has not recognized the fact that it is a war and formerly declared it as such. But just because we have not formerly declared it a war does not preclude the fact that this ideology has declared war on us.

    We were not formerly at war at 6:00am on 7 December, 1941, but that did not stop the Japanese from attacking us the next hour. In fact, they had already made the decision a number of weeks prior to this moment.

    We as a nation can avoid the proclamation of war all we want, but that does not change the awful reality that we are indeed in a war. True, this isn't a typical war in the sense of two "states" fighting. But it is a war nonetheless.
  10. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    declared war or not, those men were ordered to that location to do that job.
  11. I have 3 awarded Pres citations and for only following orders for 2 of the 3, so in my eyes they should be comended not crimally charged..................

    I try not to post nor brag on the fact i do or what i have done when i was a Ranger, this one just turns my stomach though sorry guys i just needed to vent on it!
    Last edited: 30 Nov 2009
  12. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    On the one side I don't think the current dems in power are totally responsible for this Chicanery. Obviously I'm sure they bear part of the blame, it just seems to be the nature of things nowadays we are to caught up on political correctness.

    I also don't think that if a Terrorist gets a punch in the mouth when he is likely resisting being captured is out of line and makes us more like them. We aren't running around placing IED's in crowded markets or strapping bombs to our chests.

    Remember guys this is a debate obviously so lets keep things cool we are all friends here. ;)

    (Not saying anyone is out of line at all! Just a friendly reminder. Don't want to see anyone get hurt)

  13. I wasnt offended at all and welcome all opinions just saying it from a point of view of a ex solider and theese were terror suspect . We didnt kil woman and children to get them. just wanted to put my views in there and hope it helped people to look at it not as we beat him up so we're wrong but as we didnt kill him and i doubt we poped in his room and he just say ok ill go with you.

    If my post was offensive ill just bow out of the post sorry guys.
    Last edited: 30 Nov 2009
  14. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Naw of course not Shads please stay in! People who have been there and done that are very important to have in the discussion. This is something that gets heated is all. As I said:
    I was just jumping in with that reminding folks ahead of time. Not saying anyone is out of line at all! <-- Nobody is out of line. Just a friendly reminder to everyone :D
  15. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    guy prob punch himself or slammed his head into a wall or bars
  16. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    You didn't offend. You were there and lived through the violence and hostility so you have some wisdom about it many of us lack. The last thing I want to do is visualize a completely false scenario while trying to wrap my mind around this thing. We welcome you to share whatever insight you have.
  17. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    Agreed. It looks like this is an internal military matter at this point, and is probably not on the radar of the Democratic civilian leadership. The military isn't generally a hotbed of liberalism, either, so I think assigning blame to the Democratic Party is a bit of a stretch. The whole thing strikes me as CYA on the part of the military, probably with Abu Ghraib and the later torture scandals still fresh in their minds.

    This is how I had interpreted it as well, that the suspected terrorist had received some minor injuries in the scuffle resulting from his capture, which isn't exactly surprising or particularly worrisome, imo.

    I also agree with you, Om, that we would like our soldiers to have a strong sense of right and wrong. I think they generally do, honestly. There is an undercurrent of anti-liberalism at the officer level that worries me, as a good three quarters of the country qualifies as liberal by their definition, and liberals, just like all Americans, are deserving of respect, not demonization, even if we happen to disagree. That's a whole other discussion, though.
  18. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    they should have crashed in guns ablazing. Less paper work, no legal hassles down the road. one more terrorist gone.

    Now he will probably get let go at some point and then our government will say something stupid and say he had rights.

    A few good nukes in the right spots would end this crap once and for all.
  19. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    I don't think anyone here is offended by what any of us have said. Seems we are all on the same page.

    Our enemies read stories like this and laugh until they wet themselves.

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