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Thought Provoking Quiz

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Manitou, 5 Dec 2002.

  1. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Okay, someone sent this to me and I thought I would stir up the ire of anyone who might take offense. I do not necessarily agree nor disagree with this; I simply am posting it as food for thought.

    Let the flames begin... heheh
    :flame: :mani:

  2. Great Dane


    If your name is Muhammad, and your last name is not Ali, expect a longer wait at the Airport.
  3. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    My 2 cents.

    Politically correctnes is ruining our country.

    Try disciplining your child in public, or at home. We as adults where all spanked as children and most of us are pretty stable people with a good sense from right and wrong. Yet how many times do we hear people complain about the youth of today, we as adults make them that way, we inact stupid laws that say any form of discipline is child abuse (quick smack on the butt is a far cry from child abuse) You do the crime, you take the time (hey, if I did something my dad told me not to do, I knew the consquences)
    We sue because the government has the 10 commandments on a pillar on government land (seperate church and state they yell) but we have "In God We Trust" on all our cash.

    When I was younger, I got pulled over a lot (seat belt checks, license checks, etc) because I was young but drove an expensive car. Did I sue, call my government and make threats? No, I knew why, I excepted it and went on (cost me nothing, they checked the id, the car said, thank you very much and let me go on my way) If you have to search me before I get on a plane because I am under 40 and fit what they consider a risk, have at it. If it means that I will be safe and others to, no problem. It's 2 minutes of your time that you know is going to happen.

    Our country belongs to us, fight for it, or leave. I think these politicians need a swift kick in the butt.
  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Amen, and preach it Otto. :thumbsup:
  5. i am not racist, exactly the opposite, but... right on. Most muslims arent a threat. But they are still our primary threat group, so it just plain makes sense to keep a closer eye on them when they enter sensative areas.
  6. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon


    I have to wait for at least an hour just to get to those damn metal detectors. All the while the snack bar mocks me and my child drives me crazy.

    If some guy can bring box cutters through a metal detector than obviously airport security isn't worth shit.

    If some terrorists are going to try and hyjack your plane than kill them. You're gonna die anyway. You may as well die fighting.

    RaptorMax, the Israelis will stop and search anyone they suspect. They also target a certain group of people when doing so. When is the last time you heard of an Israeli plane getting hyjacked?
  7. I heard a good saying today and I think it applies to the politically correct crowd.

    "He who thinks in inchs and talks in yards should be kicked by the foot."
  8. Great Dane


    The baby boomers ruined this country.
  9. Rebuttal -
    All prejudice is based on fear. And FEAR is what causes many of these people to misdirect and over-react AFTER the effect~! Here is a low-key example.

    (Example; Jesse Ventura (while Gov of MN), on Leno (or Letterman?) made a joke about Irishmen drinking. It is these types of people that attacked his 'so-called' racist attitude on the "poor, misrepresented" Irish)

    Why? They could be doing this because they are too busy with their own lives, and lack responsibility and attentiveness to their surroundings. This is but one way to 'make up' for their short comings. Blame someone else~! (I have a cousin like this. He and his wife make enough individually to support their family on their own, (well he makes a lot for sure!) but their careers are more important to them, and their kids end up in day-care. I personally didn't have kids to let someone else raise them~!)
    But I digress, these "after-the-fact" folks go overboard after it happens, to protect themselves and finger someone else~!!

    How many people ACTUALLY watched and followed the "Trench Coat Mafia" news clips and stories? Not just the usual, but actually read between the lines? Actually listened to the interviews and reports?
    #1. EVERYONE, INCLUDING the parents of the killers had no idea that their son(s) were about to perform these actions.
    #2. Are any of you aware that one of the diaries actually had pleas to his mother?? Asking her to look under his bed and ask him 'why'? Not a 'threat' but the plea of a teenager that has been neglected.

    Closing -
    If I shoot someone, people will react; throw me in jail (unless I shot Dane :D) hold me on trial for murder/manslaughter, (whatever) and state how rotten guns are because they kill people~!!!!!!!!!
    - - Here is the funny part; if it's the gun that kills people, why would 'I' be on trial and not the gun? Do cars get drunk, leave their driveways and smash into other cars of their own free-will??

    ...damn, If I don't get this job I'm interviewing for, I'll prolly start attending City Council meetings...

    >>>Sterling. The Dad with the Attitude...
  10. Um, my post was in SUPPORT of profiling.
  11. Great Dane


    And we support your support :D

    I think Pump ment to put that in my Gun Control thread.
  12. This post and the gun control post are basically interchangeable.

    No worries...I just started to pontificate and away I went.


  13. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Common sense

    Hmmm. Yea, it is easy to point to these certain people.

    I wonder what the Indians-Native Americans or whatever thought. "Kill the White Man". Kind of profiling there, I guess. But they where wrong for doing that, as the White Man showed them.

    America, the Land of the Free. Well, as long as you fit into a certain profile.

    Melting Pot? Well, as long as you start out white.

    We stole this country from people. We raped and pillaged them. We were terrorists.

    Now, just because some "group" does it to us, they are all bad.

    The Oklahoma thing seems to be forgotten. Well, of course, it was a white guy. He was off his rocker, or what have you. We didn't freak out on all white Americans.

    Yes, young Mideasterners seem to be connected with terrorist groups, but does that mean ALL of them are? When do you decide profiling is right?

    Think about that when some white American blows up your building and a Muslim pulls you to safety.

    HUMANS are the idiots, it doesn't matter their color or religion.

    Once we understand that, we may be able to come to some kind of agreement.

    Remember, they are recruiting those who aren't of Mideastern heritage. That person next to you may be "loaded".

    Have a nice day!

    Last edited: 10 Dec 2002
  14. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    The post was a wake up call to people everywhere that we as a nation have to sometimes take a hard look at what is going on and using the information at hand, do the best we can to protect what is ours.

    We profile every day in our lives.

    It isn't about a race, it is about a set of parameters used to conduct coherent measures to protect that America you so love. How many women over 80 have you seen conducting terrorist actions? If you say none, and form an opinion that none of them would, you are profiling.

    It is a PROVEN FACT that every single one of the men on the 9/11 squads were of Middle Eastern descent, most of them Saudi Arabian. Who would you begin looking for then? Women over 80? If you say that is silly, you have just profiled.

    Food for thought.
  15. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    Pump! Right behind you on the kid things! I lived (still live) tighter than I should have to (one income, me since we had kids) but we wanted to make sure that our children did not end up in jail/dead/on the run/etc. We do stuff with our kids, we watch our kids, we know where they are, where they are going and what they are doing at all times, and to tell you the truth, my 16 year old said that all his friends think we are so cool cause we spend so much time and are as involved with him as they wish their parents where!

    It all starts at home, if your not there for them, then someone else may be.

  16. Great Dane


    This is not an issue about race, or religion. It's an issue of how people look, compared to how others who looked the same acted.

    If you see a young well dressed black man what do you think? Nothing.

    If you see a young black man on the street corner with baggy pants, a blue bandanna, and a bunch of gold chains what do you think? He's a drug dealer/gang banger.

    Did you come to that decision out of Racial Sterotypes, or did you come to that conclusion based on the fact that 90% of young black people dressed in the same fashion are drug dealers/gang bangers?

    As a police officer would you keep an eye on him to make sure he wasn't commiting a crime?

    Your right. It is common sence.

    Your statements about them not profiling Whites is ludicris. When ever there is a serial killer on the loose the first thing they do is start looking for a White Male between the ages of 20 - 50. Just recently they profiled the beltway sniper as a white man. Was that wrong? No, because 90% of serial killers are white males between the ages of 20 - 50.

    You might find this article an interesting read. It's about afirmative action, but it's a nice rebuttle to your post about the White Man.


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