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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 18 Dec 2007.

  1. No, it's not just about the green crystal. More here:


    Information has been kicking around about this title since the studio said a sequel to Renegade was not going to happen. I I'm reading the press-release right, it sounds like a game comparable to GRAW or even the older Republic Commando set in the CNC universe with some vehicles even you can pilot single-handed... if this is the case, it's going to be sweet!
  2. Ok, more or less in the last fortnight a couple of trailers have been released:

    Cinematic Trailer
    http://www.gametrailers.com/download/29781/t_tiberium_exclusive_wm_v2_h264.mov (QuickTime)
    http://www.gametrailers.com/download/29781/t_tiberium_exclusive_wm_v2_h264.wmv (Windows Media)

    Gameplay Trailer
    http://www.gametrailers.com/download/30010/t_tiberium_gp01_gt_h264.mov (QuickTime)
    http://www.gametrailers.com/download/30010/t_tiberium_gp01_gt_h264.wmv (Windows Media)

    They still haven't released information about the engine, but I think it's safe to say it might be CryENGINE2. They've also disclosed the following during GT's inagural television debut:
    • The character is the same as the C&C novels
    • Out for PC, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3
    • No live-action FMVs, all CGI.
    • Kane will be in the game
    • One G-10 gun, 4 forms
      • Standard Assault Rifle (Rapid-fire Railgun)
      • Grenade Launcher
      • Target "painter"/Rocket Launcher
      • Energy Cannon
    • There are other weapon pickups
    • Scrin Disintegrators shown in-game at 08:14
    • In-game Ion Cannons, woo!
    • Squad-control with HL2-like controls
    • <CITE>Urban Assault</CITE>-style HUD map available ("BCU")
    • Rock-Paper-Scissors mechanics for Squads vs. Vehicles
    • Features sounds created by a one yearold (15:24)
    • During prototyping they made a board-game (12:50)
    • Mechs (look like the "Steel Talons Wolverines" out of Kane's Wrath)
    • Single player, multiplayer mode (with Renegade C&C-mode)
    • Squads in multiplayer
    Last but not least, TeamXbox has posted a 2-page preview of the game here.
  3. Re: Tiberium - IGN Preview

    This time TeamXbox's sister-network, IGN, have released their own preview for the game:


    This preview seems a lot "more-to-the-point" than the last, so if you have issues with reading loads of text you should look at this one as its shorter. If not, basically the engine is UE3 (so that's good news for my learning curve I've been doing with the technology) and it has shades of GRAW and R6 Vegas, but is more like PlanetSide that you control four squads all by yourself...

    Squads are teams of five in CNC so I'm assuming that when it comes to multiplayer, it is equal to about 2 platoons in PS split in half. Interesting mechanics there.
    Last edited: 31 Jan 2008

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