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To Boldly Go...

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by PumpMonkey, 7 Sep 2004.

  1. How did you know about it and where can we find out more?
  2. He's got industry connections :)
  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    It's about time this happened, I just fear it would suffer the same fate as all Star Trek Games. ie: 99.9% of them all suck :( :(

    Lets hope they actually add space travel and combat and not pull an SWG :lol:

  4. /me agrees

    In STNG getting the Federation to actually fire their weapons - not to mention in a reasonably timely or efficient manner - was like pulling teeth. Were Star Trek to be reality - the Federation would be mince meat - they're a bunch of unrealistic pansies.

    I'm a big fan of STNG but its the truth.

    Enterprise (the series) is a little more agressive, but the Federation in general is a little too woosified for my tastes.

    edit: sry ... this post was a little off topic...but close
    Last edited: 8 Sep 2004
  5. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    So, I'll be able to fly a Death Star in this game?
  6. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Wrong series. :lol:

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    was in /. a while back it makes me cry
  8. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Ok, so I can't fly a Death Star, that's ok. I get it. Wrong series. Completely understand that it was my oversight.

    But, I can try to steal the Death Star plans before they get into the Rebel spys hands, right? Thus earning fame and glory for the Empire. Right?
  9. Voyager > *
  10. Truth. Started introducing new concepts to the series but kept everything old and favorite.

    DS9, of course, was the best.

    /me runs.
  11. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    I watched startrek until voyager, I just hated that series for some reason. Old school and next generation were the best.
  12. STNG was what got me into Trek... I can't stand watching the original series...i'm sorry.... I like some of the original movies, but not all....mostly 1-4.
    Deep Space Nine was good...at least what I got to see of it...especially during the whole Dominion story arc, but unfortunately I wasn't able to follow the show. Voyager ...i'm sorry but imo it sucked....the first few episodes were the same thing... "we have a way home but it would violate the prime directive....so we'll screw ourselves and take 70 years to get back..." I didn't follow it much past the first season, so after that perhaps it got better.

    Enterprise has been good...but i've not seen the 3rd season so i can't speak for that...

    edit : So this thread is getting a bit off topic so maybe we move it elsewhere

    Last edited: 9 Sep 2004
  13. :twitch: a Star trek mmo......now instead of pwning the ewok's we can pwn the ferengi?

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