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Todays BSOD Adventure on KO's Work PC

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by KickedOut, 1 Feb 2002.

  1. So everyday rolls in and for the last few years I have made it a routine to post in the forums everymorning, kinda like how peeps go get a cup of coffee.

    When low and behold I stop to write something down for around 45 seconds. Pick my head back up start to post again. I touch my mouse and get the BSOD. Ok I write down some of the Addy info just incase and shut it down.

    Click on my Dell Precision 420 P.O.C Power button and get a series of long beeps. Well shit I think WTF this thing was working great and all the sudden Crash :(.

    So KO walks over the friendly IT dept NOT!!!!!!! and says hey my PC Crashed. Ok send a message to IT, err I cant it just crashed, ok so what did you do to it? like a dummy I say nothing biggest mistake cuz thats what they all say! Anyways I stick anote on the IT dudes Monitor saying my shits borked come see me.

    Well this IT guy heres already in a bad mood because some dumbass overloaded his harddrive by installing some shit on it that he had no more space for and blamed it on IT. So KO unknowly doesnt know this and gets tired of waiting and goes insearch of answers. I knew the POST was giving me the answer with the beeps but I needed to see if IT had a book from Dell on there Bios Beeps :) and I happen to bump into the IT dude, Immidiately IT:"What am I the only guy here you ever goto with you IT problems there are others you know" KO: Well dude your boss told me to talk to you" IT: "Oh, well what did you do to it"
    Being the smart ass that I am I told him I installed a virus :rofl: I wanted to test out. Well grins didnt last long so I told him I was kidding.

    Anyways he gets down here hits the power button and says "Oh thats bad really bad" Im like whewww I thought you were gonna say sothing bad heh. He starts unpluggin it and say wait wait let me show you the BSOD error I wrote down dont you want to see that, I think somehitng might of come up plugged but Im not sure I just wat to see the codes for the Bios. IT: Wel lets look inside we check the video card its ok, then the other connections there ok, and lastly the Memory ahh it freekig poped out LOL this was a 1st for me in the 10+ yrs I have been playing with these things I have never seen that shit, but that was the problem then the guy starts to ask KO whats his degree in.

    I say Ima skum ball Drafter Designer, I just used to have my own business and I started the IT dept here 4 yrs ago but went to the green pastures of drafting, IT: Well you ought to com back.

    KO's responce "I want no part of that HELL" :rofl:

    Cheers KO :D
  2. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    That's ok, KO cause we don't want you back in IT ha ha ha!!!

    So, you where not really posting on the web, but had jimmied the case using an envelope opener in hopes of snagging a few DIMMs when you realized your machine only had one and wouldn't run correctly so you put it back in the slot but didn't get it seated correctly.

    That is what the IT guy reported back to his manager.

    Of course, you have now filled out a report to your boss explaining that the machine has been on the blink for over a month with this problem and that is why your designs are way behind schedule.

    Heh heh heh. I worked with Engineers a lot with my company!

  3. Great Dane


    The day the Dot Com company went bankrupt I droped by to see a few of the people I used to work with. Mostly friends in the customer service and IT depatments.

    I went to look at my old comp, and it was completly gutted so I asked one of the IT guys "What the hell happened to this thing?" and he said "Shhhhh" and handed me 3, 128 meg sticks of RAM. He then told me if I came back in hour I could have the Hard Drive that was in it, but I declined his offer.

    Remember IT hates the Users, becuase Users are morons, but when the company goes belly up they are good to be friends with becuase they will be raiding every box they can of the good stuff ;)
  4. Sad thing is most users are morons :( Thats why I program and am not in IT anymore, its WAY too frustrating.
  5. See now thats just it with you current IT people, you always have a negitive outlook on the user. Wehn you should be thanking them at every moment. Because if it werent for the User the IT dept would not exsist :p
  6. Great Dane


    Well they don't have ID-10-T errors for nothing!

  7. HAHA Rayz just called himself a Moron :rofl: you are no longer part of the cult organization call "Information Technology"
  8. Great Dane


    Was there ever a question as to weather or not Rayzer was a moron?

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