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Today's Sale: 350R Upgrade

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Public Discussion' started by Sentrosi, 19 Nov 2013.

  1. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Our assessment: Based on conversations we had last night during our meeting, we would recommend that if you have a 300 series ship, to upgrade it to the 350R if you're interested in going fast with the possibility of a bigger punch to your weaponry. The additional power plant slot may yield your 350R to having some heftier weapon selections at launch.
  2. I went ahead and grabbed one I had an aurora and $120 lying around, I would like to race for fun if not I can find another use for it :)
  3. got.......to.....save......for..........starfarer and banu..........
  4. This may hold true, however I think the larger power power plant may be used primarily for the much larger engines. Couple that with the extra CPU cycles the engines will require and you will probably be fairly limited on your weapon selection.

    That being said, you will be able to adjust power levels and such on the fly, meaning you decrease power to the engines (making you slower), and increase power to the weapons systems (enabling the more powerful weapons), i.e., speed on/weapons off, speed off/weapons on. The key here will be to find the right balance between power and weapons. The larger weapons may end up too cumbersome to use given the power requirements and shutting them on and off.

    If you want the true speed component, you will have to sacrifice your weapons. If you want true firepower, you are better off with a 325a.
  5. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I think ultimately, you can put whatever equipment you like on these airframes, so yes, you can make a 350R that performs like the other variants, but..

    It wont be as good for exploration as the 315, as it is supposed to have gear and an engine optimized for long distance running, the twin engines of the 350 make it less appealing for that. You can do it, but it wont be as efficient.

    It's the king of speed in the 300 series, that's where it's strength lies.

    It can be fitted out with similar weapons to a 325a, but like Nacht said, you may have to sacrifice the quality of weapons because the engines demand more of the overall resources of the ship. Yes, you can divert resources around to fit optimal weapons (potentially) but then you're toning down the ship to make it something it wasn't made to be (a dedicated fighter).

    Ultimately, you pick up the 350R now, because you want something purely for speed, and are fine with it being handicapped compared to dedicated variants. That and knowing that the twin engine chassis will be more rare than the standard to find once you're in game, saves you the hassle (and potential cost) once you start playing.. I imagine 325a&315p 's will be far more easy to come by once we start playing.

    That and when all is said and done, you may even be better off (for non-racing roles) to grab a stock 300i and outfit it the way YOU want, not the preset variants they're offering.

    Take advantage of this sale of the 350 if you want to start the game with a high speed fighter, a twin engine platform (that will be harder in game to acquire) to build a ship type off of.
  6. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I used to play Xwing vs Tie Fighter and I was constantly switching power from weapons to shields and back again depending on where I was in the fight.

    Truth be told, everything is pure speculation at this point. It may go in thirty different directions by the time the game comes out. But I agree with you Nacht. A pure fighter? Stick with the 325a. Want speed? Grab the 350.
  7. Remember that your can tweak and overclock parts, And seeing as the 350r has the capability to house everything the 315p does, then yes it can explore just as well, it just may not be able to much better.

    And the equipment the ships come with is very middle of the road.

    Don't be fooled by dedicated variants, there is nothing different about the 300i/315p/325a it is just a matter of what parts up put into it, and they can take all the same parts (they made that clear with the hornet variants) the only once that is different is the 350r which can house the bigger plant and engine, which the original 3 can't. Chassis are what determine what you can do with a ship, not the variant.

    :) either way I bought mine to race, not fight so it doesn't matter much to me lol.
    Last edited: 19 Nov 2013
  8. I also want to point out that there is an upgrade from base 300i to 350r. There was not an upgrade in the original run of the 300i variants.

    We'll have to test out the speed differences between the 350r and the M50. Having an M50 is my main reason for not jumping into the 350r pool just yet. I may pick one up after launch, but just not today.
  9. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    All things being equal, those twin engines on the 350 are going to make it much less fuel efficient than a 315 (no matter what engine/mods you install); you can't be both a sprinter AND a long distance runner. It will be able to explore, yes, but it's doubtful that it for sure will do it just as well. Common sense dictates that one of those birds is for long distance, fuel efficient rides, and the other is for blowing fuel out the backside of those twin thrusters to get as much speed as possible..
  10. Ohh no doubt, but as far as we know, you could put the single engine in the 350r. But other then engines and power plant, they can equip the same upgrades.

    the 350r is tweaked right, perhaps using ballistic weapons could be a nice interdiction/interceptor fighter.
  11. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    From what I've read, it looks like with the 350R you can replace any of the mods, but because of the chassis your stuck with twin engines, not the ability to have one. Thus the biggest stumbling block to it being a long range ship.. Other than that though you can re-create an exploration ship with one, it'll just have different limits than other variants..

    Though I imagine that'll be half the fun with the game is trying to build tricked out versions of different ships.. I almost guarantee a few months into beta and NO ONE will be using the stock versions of any ship they picked up..

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