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Torchlight 2

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by FrothyMug, 1 Aug 2013.

  1. I know it's not "upcoming", but I am curious to know if anyone else plays. I am going through with my gf as a tanking engineer, but I am interested in playing with someone else as another class as well.
  2. I play it from time to time though I'm not sure if I'd be considered a high level engineer but if you want to create new characters that'll be cool.
  3. I have most of my time buried into a couple of characters using SynergiesMOD, which adds more depth to the monsters and increases mob sizes. Actually he's added so much stuff:

    SynergiesMOD offers a whole new game for fans of Torchlight 2 and has been in development for over 6 months! SynergiesMOD has had over 70 content patches and has been downloaded over 200,000 times pre-guts!

    Join the adventure today!

    -A whole new ACT starting with "Or'Ak pass, Path to the Troll Homeland"
    -106 Elite monsters
    -106 Hero monsters
    -6 Rare dragons
    -8 Ancient Trolls
    -6 extremely Rare world bosses spawning in the major areas of the map
    -A new vendor in Estherian Enclave that will sell alternative leveling dungeon maps
    -A portal to the end game TABLE MOUNTAIN city. <This city is meant for end game level 100 use for transition into the raids, it is only included in the start for alternative leveling characters.>
    -New quests, new hairstyles, more faces, more customizations!
    -New pets associated with the Necromancer and Paladin.
    -New HP / Mana and Fame UI
    -A PVP dungeon "the warcamp" Available in Tablemountain

    A whole new class, the Necromancer. The first truly new class for Torchlight 2.
    2 new classes which are NOT finished <WORK IN PROGRESS> Warlock, and Paladin

    -Gear is better, monsters are harder, ALL BOSSES are harder.
    -Green and Blue magical items have better affix rates, Uniques have better base DPS and Armor.
    -Two handed and dual wielding have better bonus's, shields have a small cast delay for their increased survivability.
    -Monsters spawn more numerous throughout the game
    -Skills unlock at a earlier rate, but take longer to progress between points, ending at or above vanilla standards.

    -Derinkuyu 105 contains 10 randomly selected different maps, sold in tablemountain on the Salan vendor
    -7 full sets of legendary armor (70 new legendary armor pieces) set at just above level 100 unique values (harbingers, transcended, etc) each with their own UNIQUE re-textures made exclusively for SynergiesMOD and dropped from Raid Bosses
    -18 new Tier0 Legendary Weapons dropped from Raid Bosses
    -new Trash mobs for the Derinkuyu 105 dungeon, with raid wide specific 'Trash Loot' tables including another 13 legendary weapons
    -14 Brand new raid boss encounters will keep you on your toes, 3 remixed old boss encounters (Grell and Grom the Murderer, Spectral Dragon) Each with their own MMO style loot tables.
    -Boon scroll upgrades and much much more!

    A full featured website, A full community in motion on the forums.
    Helpful 'how to' threads
    -Builds, Balance, Class Discussion, Developmental plans and more can be found here!
    -Legendary center, already very busy with 'LookingForTrade (LFT) messages" The trading community TL2 always needed!

    -A dev who has been updating this mod for the last 6 months almost daily will continue to support his community, and his mod in the same fanatical manner he started!

    -2 NEW classes almost finished. Paladin and Warlock. Both in their alpha stages and will be updated constantly this week!

    -Another whole tier of dungeon encounters and another set of 70 legendary armor pieces (7 full sets) to collect and trade.

    -More classes and more content!!!!!

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