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Twilight War

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Incompetent, 10 May 2005.

  1. http://www.twilightwar.com/

    Looks like it could be pretty good if they manage to pull it off, although thats up in the air at this point. It's a hybrid MMOFPS/RPG with what could be a nice mix skill based PvE and PvP combat, with all sorts of factional politics and economic stuff that so many people know and love, so it sounds like a game that we could presumably pick up and play all official-like (I'm partial to the Silics faction-wise at this point.) Thanks to Miir for the heads up.
  2. I think I posted about this months ago and people went "huh?"
  3. Glancing at the title I thought it would be based on GDW's Twilight 2000 game~!

    Then I skimmed the background.
    I must concur with my earlier synopsis. I see they have stolen the name and concept. Not satisfied with that, they added an alien race (called 'Skel'), to come a quickly conquer Earths' forces. (sigh)

    …Perhaps I am overly harsh. Perhaps they are not outright plagiarizing, but rather offering a ‘tip-of-the hat’ instead? I reckon time will tell us. They are based in Florida; yet seem to lack a publisher. Their source code is a proven game technology (Valve), but I don’t think it was designed with MMO in mind. I cannot tell what version of Gabe’s engine they are using, however, I really didn’t care to follow it up.

    The industry is changing and the Publishers are the ones that stand to loose the most need to adapt (Remember what happened to Sierra & Atari). There are plenty of hungry developers out there, with the desire and ability to run lean. With the huge accessibility to PC, Console and the internet in today’s world - now would be a good time for some strategic thinking and perhaps even a little “grass-roots” support.

    Many publishers are following the MO of purchasing Development teams to acquire an IP, controlling the popularity and profitability. Many of the things that made the development team so successful gets choked when the integration of the corporate mentality and due process gets forced down the developers throat. There is a lack of symbiosis in the gaming community, too many times in the past has there been a business deal that turned out bad because one (or both) parties failed to uphold the spirit of the game and contract), due to a lack of (what I call) a ‘moral compass’. Thus history is filled with one party feeling ‘slighted’ by another party.

    I’m not certain why I went off on this tangent (rant?) but I believe now is a good time to quit. ;)

    …here endith the pontification…

  4. Huh, well i skimmed the first few pages and didn't see anything, and just did a quick search to see if I somehow missed it and couldn't find anything so, *shrugs.*

    PM, my first thought was fallout, but I couldn't really be convinced to care where they got there ideas from if it ends up being a good game.

    The other stuff, I blame the Lawyers, they'd destroy society if they got the chance. I'd say there making pretty decent progress already.
  5. ya, i remember this from the post a while back although I cant find it. It doesn't look like they have a whole lot of updates since I first saw it.
  6. it's become a commercial game, the nostalgia has gotten to them.

    I, however, will try to make the co-developer of my game (which hasn't yet been identified FYI) make at least one development post about it every month :)
  7. Just the other day, Twilight War's team posted their regular release of their Developer Diary. Here's an extract of what was said (the whole post can be read here):

    Mmm, 9 Square KM.... :p

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    Looks cool, worth keeping an eye out for. And I'm leaning towards the silics as well.

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