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Ultima X: Odyssey

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Rayzer, 8 Dec 2003.

  1. Hai!

    /creams his pants

    I actually think I'm as excited for this as I am for WoW. Especially since it is supposed to release early 2004. February is what gamespot says.

    I'm think this could be a really sweet game. I was a huge Origin fan back in the day, but never got into UO.

    This looks damn sweet though.
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Here is the link. It looks like a cross between WoW and Dungeon Siege. :p

    That isn't necessarily a bad thing, mind you. ;)
  3. for some reason I think I would be more attracted to this game if it remained 2d like the old ultima games I grew up on. UO was the first mmo i was interested in but my parents wouldnt let me get it. *still grumpy* now its too late i guess.
    Last edited: 8 Dec 2003
  4. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I've played it, for some reason they saw PlanetSide as an audience for the game, so they flew my ass out to San Francisco check out the game for free :p This also means I already have a beta pass to the game.

    I'm not a fan of RPG's at all as everyone knows (hey it was a free trip) it was fun to play for a bit but it's not something I will ever play long term heh. It's got the Unreal Engine and it's very good looking overall, it was in alpha and didnt crash once. Some nice features too that allow you to drag weapons to the chatbar and they will create a link, so people actually know you have them rather than taking your word for it. When the time comes for beta if there's a way I can let you guys try it I will. Dunno how they will distribute it.

    The thing that I liked about it was there was lots of clicking, no turn based bullshit. I click and click and my sword flys around hacking things up. They have a PS like shortcut bar that allows you to drag spells down to it - cast a spell by clicking F1 or something ;)

  5. It's not going to be at all like the other UO games...except it is the same world. But I don't think that's a bad thing.

  6. You suck :p

    Man if there is any way you can get me into the beta or let me borrow your beta account a few times I would.... :gayzhump:


    Seriously, the beta is starting soon from what I hear and I would love to try it out. No MMORPGs are turn based :p But yeah they are making the game much faster paced and mostly mouse driven. It looks like a blast.

    I'm excited about this, expecially since it should be out in a couple months....not a couple years :)

    Any inside info would be grand! Love you Hamma!
  7. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    I don't really have any inside info, I was somewhat out of my element there not knowing much about RPG's. But there was free booze and gaming so I was there :rofl: Got to play the game for about 40 minutes.

    I'm sure you have seen the trailer and everything - I also have a Ultima X folder signed by the entire dev team, figured what the hell :p

    And if anyone says pics or it didnt happen:

  8. sold
  9. No pictures of you in San Francisco, these are just pictures of the skyline and pictures of the game. Maybe you were there, maybe not. :p


    I trust you, after all you guys trust me when I say work in the industry. ;)
  10. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    It sort of looks like diablo 2. Man I loved that game.
  11. hmm it sounds really cool, which means the community of players are either gonna make or break the game :)
  12. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    Definitely looks cool.... gotta love a faster paced mmorpg!
  13. Sounds good

    Ill prob check it out like do all of them, damn Gameing is such a money sink!

  14. different world
    Ultima X: Odyssey takes place in the stunning new world of Alucinor. Which sucks, i wanted to see what vesper would look like in 3d :(

    the game is basically gonna be a cross between everquest and uo imo. probably more like eq. so i guess there philosophy is copying the game that beat ya. i was more pumped about this before i play uo again about a month ago. not sure what to expect :(

  15. Well I've never played UO but from what I've read this game is nothing like EQ.

    The biggest bitch ever about EQ was the fact that the game was so damn slow. So that right there is a major divergence from EQ.

    I dunno, looks great to me. Yeah the PvP isn't the greatest, but neither was Diablo 2's PvP. All I'm looking for is a game that is going to be fun to play, not a drag, and I can have a blast with my friends. This looks like it'll work.

    I'm excited :)
  16. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Supposedly when you go on quests with your party it spawns a seperate world, so that your quest cannot be inturupted by some random asshole walking by.
  17. Yeah that's a big feature in all the up and coming MMORPGs. Although they all seem to use them a little differently. I know WoW and EQ2 are both doing something similar.
  18. [​IMG]

    Looks like she is about to attack with anal beads ROFL
  19. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    I think thats the defense indicator or something
  20. Use your contacts and tell meh when the beta will start :p

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