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Unreal 2007

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by PumpMonkey, 10 May 2005.

  1. I reckon I'll be getting a copy of UNREAL 2007 when it comes out.

    PS - Begins to disassembe Flakk Cannon for cleaning...
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Not this boy. Need more realistic weaponry. Like the AH-64 Apache.
  3. what they really need is to start doing a Story Mode for the UT-series like they have done with UC2 recently.
  4. Yep, I'll be getting it. Though the unreal games never really hold my attention for more than a month or two, I really do enjoy deathmatch style games. Any game with weapons that have slower than instant hit speed (meaning other than "put reticle on target and click mouse") is much fun to me, which is why I liked tribes 2 so much.

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    I've soooo been waiting for this game to come out since they announced it some months back. They seem to be taking a novel approach to the game too.......working on gameplay almost exclusively before the art. So some of the godly in game screens they have realesed aren't even what the finished game is gonna look like. I'll see if I can dig up the link to the site that put the Computer Gaming World article on it up. If I can't/get distracted I assume most of you are good friends with google. BTW I'm still playing 2k4 from time to time under the name Megistias or ifMegistias usually on assault.
  6. With those graphics...it will take a beast of a computer to run at full graphics.

    I can see it now...

    4.8 GHz proc
    4 gigs of ram
    512mb vid card
  7. I kinda doubt that will happen since the game is designed to be a 'twitch' game. The “ladder-system" is their version of a ‘story-mode’, and I can personally envision a story-mode aspect. Especially with this new mode on the drawing board, it is possible that a story mode could evolve around it, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. I think the possibility of a second game, perhaps done by a different developer is more likely than having them cram another aspect in and push it back further.

    Kewl~! Does the [if] before your name mean you are clanning somewhere??
    Also - my three common names in UT2K4 (although I haven’t played it in months) are -

    Maybe we can hook at one point (after I get my kids to bed of course…)?

  8. Tribes ruined FPS games for me.. I can't stand playing unreal after playing tribes for so long. It's too.... simple and mindless.
  9. Hmm....I wouldn't say it is mindless...it's just way faster paced than tribes, thus you don't have much time to make decisions. But that's exactly why I kinda like that kind of game, because it sharpens your reaction time.
  10. ORANGE

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    Not really just an abreviation of a name I use on some UT forums and I used in 2k3 which is IncomingFire.
  11. The story is in Unreal and Unreal 2, UT is just fast paced arena action.

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