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vgcg CDL, awesome matches

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by snookums, 20 Jul 2002.

  1. just wanted to say hi, and let you guys know how much fun our match was on thursday!!! you guys rock!

    also, if i may...

    one of you was in #diuturnity on mIRC right after and was talking about scrimms, which i think would be really cool. if you guys wanna, we can set something up im sure.

  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf


    I too enjoyed the great match! I was literally sweating when we got done! haha!

    Thanks for the fantastic time, and scrims would be an honor for us! We will contact you!!!
  3. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder


    Very good match
  4. Thanks, snookums.

    Very nicely played!

    After the scrim we had last week, it was refreshing to have an honorable opponent.

    I'm sure we'll be seeing you guys further down the ladder.
  5. GGs and gl from here on in
  6. you mean, further UP the ladder :D :D

    dont know how to say this without sounding cheesy, but

    you guys (and girls) have class, and each time ive played against you (used to be in The Ministry) you have been nothing but classy and honourable. much <3 to CDL
  7. aw. Thanks snooks :)

    <3 Snooks


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