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Wanting to join PS CDL

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by WindexofDoom, 23 Jul 2004.

  1. Hey all, i am a Br 17 CR 2 on emerald. I have been interested in your clan for some time, but when i came to the website, the movie thing was so impressive i decided to join. I am baisicly a grunt, i have light scout medium assault heavy assault special assault sniping and reinforced aromor. Plz tell if i am accpeted :)
  2. Hail and well met! Send a tell in game to anyone you see in our roster and we'll get you squadded up.

    Send a tell to myself or Thronebeast and we will send you an invite to our Dragonwolf Recruitment Outfit. There is a recruiting process and a probationary period. Please read our Code of Conduct and familiarize yourself with our history.

    See you in game.
    Last edited: 23 Jul 2004
  3. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Hail WindexofDoom (Gotta hear the story on how you got THAT name!)

    I'm looking forward to seeing you in game with us.
  4. You can generally look for us any day of the week. Monday nights are impromptu and Tuesday nights are our Op night. Take a look at the recruitment forum for updates! Thanks!

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