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Who is playinge Eve

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Swift As Feather, 24 Mar 2006.

  1. Who is playing eve and can tell me about the game. Worth trying? Im a scifi guy at heart. Fileplanet has a free 14 day trial. How much is it a month
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I know Cyrus is having a blast playing Eve. He's been trying to get me to play Eve, but I just don't have the time, effort, or the intestinal fortitude for it. Float him a PM or someone unlock his cage and let him post again.
  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Check this thread.

    I've played a bit but I can't see myself getting into it - I have subbed for one month but rarely do I feel like getting on and playing. It's the same old same old play constantly or get owned by people whom play all day long. Sure you can train skills offline but it takes almost 2 months to even defend yourself.

    Even though you can train skills offline - it still takes ages to even scratch someone's hull. Lots of farming cash and waiting for skills ;)
  4. I've been playing with a friend... I enjoy it, but EVE is definately what you make of it, and like any other game, it can get boring if you don't keep it fresh. But with EVE, you can do anything you want pretty much, so the variety is there for the taking.
  5. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Pffft.. I wrote cyrus in game and he never responded.. I guess he just wants the Sentrosi love more.. :p

    It's a great game Swifty.. Though it does come with a few cons..

    It's one big server, unlike WoW which is broken up into dozens.. Which means you really do start at the bottom, and it takes a LONG time to work your way up. Chances are unless you play for months straight you'll make little impact in the world overall. For example if you took the path of commerce, there are much larger and older corporations existing that could buy and sell you; so you can't expect to have a major impact on anything financial for a long time.
    Same goes with pvp, you'll get outright owned by anyone who's been playing for a few years, as their skills, tech and resources far outstrip yours. When I first started in beta and after release, the worst you had to worry about were organized pirates in cruisers. Battleships were pipe dreams. Battleships and larger are what many of the more nefarious players you'll meet fly now. Much of the ground you could cover trying to be a merchant or pirate or bounty hunter has been well travelled.

    To sum up, you'll have a very low profile in the game for a long time. Insurance aside, losing your ship is an expensive risk, so when you do try to bloody someone's nose, you have to make sure you have the resources to bounce back..

    That said, the game probably is the best Massive out there. You can do just about anything you want: hunt pirates, BE a pirate (yarr), Establish and maintain a coporation, buy and sell your way to power. The economy in EVE is phenomenal, with player driven supply and demand which has the market ebbing and flowing all the time.

    Quests are replaced by missions, given by agents everywhere. One sure way to make money quickly is through missions and hunting npc pirates. Time consuming but fun at any rate.

    Depending on who you kill and how much, you can end up on the wrong side of the law and forced into low security space to have to carve out a living as a pirate (probably the most fun overall imo). Or you can stay on the side of law and gather people to your corporation trying to become a force in the economy. Lend out your services to protect other players from pirates, do trade runs for profit, strip mine asteroid fields as a miner for some mega corp.

    As an aside, one of the most amazing things I'd ever stumbled onto in EVE was ending up in viewing distance of a corporation war, watching dozens of battleships and other ships let rip into a player controlled space station. It was frantic, crazy; and it apparently went on for several hours. I have no idea what the outcome was, but the coordination of resources makes raiding MC look like child's play.

    If its a free 14 day trial, you should give it a try, though it will seem a bit boring at first.. It's not like you can jump in and start battling right away. Playing alone is not nearly as fun as in a group, which may add to the boredom factor. Who knows maybe Cyrus will take you under his wing..
  6. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Fear the love that has no name Asp...FEAR it.
  7. I would say that more than with most any other MMO, it is critical to NOT solo in order to maintain the fun factor. Fun aside, corps should allow you to make money a lot faster as well. Granted, this may pull you into the tangled web of corp and Alliance politics that is EVE, but imo, thats one of the cooler aspects of the game.

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