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Windows Vista RC1

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 17 Sep 2006.

  1. It's amazing that only in June I was testing the second beta for Windows Vista... now the first Release-Candidate for it is here :)

    I suspect it won't be long before the OS is ready for retail distribution.

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    How sad. I'm still waiting for the first fully functional WebOS.
  3. Any better than Beta 2?
  4. I don't see myself moving from XP for a while TBH.
  5. It's bit more stable, and some of the functionality problems they had are gone. Oh, and changing the skins for IE7 work right now ;)
  6. Meh dont plan on ever switching from FF so IE is no big deal.

    I had alot of problems with wireless networking and networking in general. Not to mention completly overheating my laptop.

    I think I will install it via VMWare.
  7. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I usually wait a minimum of a year to use a new MS OS
  8. I'm with Hamma. My rule is to never use a Microsoft Product that has a ".0" in its release #. 1.0, 2.0, 7.0 .... all of them will be buggy and need at least one SP before going to "normal"...
  9. my uncle was beta testing for it and he said that it was the major suxors!

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