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Woah Not Right!

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by ShadowSpawn, 7 May 2004.

  1. That was only one side of the story. Was the man looting? Don't be so quick to judge based on one 30 second story. If you have ever sat in a jury you find out very quickly there are many sides to a story.
  2. I fully understand this

    My problem is they didnt even take off the "stolen" Goods and ran them over as well. Either way not approiate behavior the Nco shoulda not let it get that far, and the Unloading 2 clips of Pistols into the car before flatening it makes little Military Sense.

    Last edited: 7 May 2004
  3. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Agreed Shads. Whether the guy looted or not does not dictate the "judge, jury and executioner" response. The US military has the UCMJ, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, that it is required to follow.

    These guys, though maybe having done good in catching and stopping a looter, ruined the good they accomplished by the uncalled for antics that cast dishonor upon the uniform I wear proudly.
  4. Its the people in the military like this that screw it up for the rest of our people over there. Two wrongs dont make a right and its sad to see that we do things like that. I'm sure this will be in the new big time as well soon :(
  5. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    Yes, I think that was very unnesessary and a clear abuse of power.
  6. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    In every group, you need to give way to the 10% law, which states you have said percent that *absolute will make the rest look bad no matter what* The unfortunate side effect is that anyone that has ever done/currently involved/will do with the group/ordination will be judged 200% based on that single poor choice for years to come and will most likely never be correctable.

    That said, TV is the absolute best, and worst invention ever
  7. Agreed, I was not casting judgment either way based on what I saw. Yes it was extreme and yes they really didn't need to do what they did. To be honest I would be surprised if no action was taken by the commanding officer. But again I say you are seeing the extreme. TV news is not about the facts it’s about what gets you to respond emotionally.

    Playing Devils Advocate, My question to you is why is this any different than taking somebody’s car that gets a DUI or sells drugs? The net effect is the same.
  8. (after a night of heavy drinking and discussion) the media will destroy this country....has there been a successful military campaign since the media has been allowed to show/publish/report everything? not saying things that are being reported are right...but in the grand scheme of things...does it benifit our progress and intentions there?

    forgive if i offend...its the stella ;)
  9. It's easy to take this out of context one way or the other. I don't really have a lot of faith in the claims of the journalist, becuase his MO is to get ratings and create controversy.

    Stop and think for a second: you're a looter/thief and a camera gets stuck in your face right after you get busted. What do you expect the guy to say? "Well gee, I'm a bad person and I deserve what I got!"
  10. I don't have a lot of faith in any claims of journalists...period. I have a pretty jagged view when seeing, reading, or watching anything that has been presented to me via magazines, newspaper, television...etc. There are two sides to every story. It's unfortunate...I take everything now with a grain of salt.

    Most of what you see or read nowadays has been fluffed to pull at your emotions.

    Don't get me started on lawyers either... ;)
  11. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    One of the few times I ever took a second to look at a TV, CNN was showing a 30 second clip of some 500 pound dude getting clubbed down by cops. They showed that clip for a week, every hour telling everyone that man died.

    The next week, they were showing a 2 minute clip. In that clip, you see the fat guy attack the officers, and really doing some damage to them. During that clip, CNN tells you that the guy was higher then high on some drug (PVC? or something like that, it started with a P..) and the guy really died from a heart attack, and not being clubbed down by the cops trying to defend themselves.

    Now it is just me, or does anyone else feel the need to grab a pitch fork and torch and go burn some news anchor at the stake when you see something like this happen?
    Last edited: 8 May 2004
  12. Great example Jouster...exactly.
  13. Haha pvc... Its PCP which is an insane stimulant that can make you think your superman.

    Screw the news, You have no idea what those people who got their car ran over really did. Either way I still laughed when the ole abrams ran that thing over.
  14. Master

    Master "First Ten" Club Member

    Right or wrong - the moral is: There is more to this story. but given the left wing liberal media - they shortened it to only make their point. I wouldnt be surprised if it was fabricated in some way. The US forces have done a lot for the Iraqi people and will continue to do so. The media doesnt show this - they show a few ass clowns breaking the law and abusing Iraqi cititzens and prisoners. The people represented in those videos are not American Soldiers - but American Criminals!

    My .02 worth!
  15. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    Yeah, thats the stuff. I don't really have a clue when it comes to drugs, not that I would ever care to change that either. ;D
  16. ORANGE

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    My dad always says only believe in 10% of what you read and hear and only half of what you hear. He read it somewhere and I said then the statement kinda contradicts itself but he said it was part of that 10%. So as far as the media goes I've never really trusted what they said as I've read too many books about how they screw things up or twist what someone said so it makes them look bad or leaves out the last part of a sentence. So I guess if you apply my dads statement you can't really believe anything I said and you can't really believe much of anybody or anything. Now that will give you something to think about next time your tripping on PCP.

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