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Would like to join CDL

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Theandric, 2 Apr 2005.

  1. Hi, my name is Brian and I've seen your clan around in WoW for awhile. I've been playing WoW off and on since late closed beta and stress test. My main character is a lvl 32 Human Paladin(Theandric) on the Laughing Skull server. I was playing with one of your members, jolia, and I asked about the guild and she reffered me to here.

    I don't know that it applies but i've been gaming for awhile. I've mostly stuck to Half-Life mods such as Counter-Strike, Frontline Force, Team Fortress Classic, Natural Selection, Day of Defeat, etc. and I've also played games like Battlefeild 1942, BF: Vietnam, Diablo 2, Neverwinter Nights, Total Annihilation, Tribes 2, Full Spectrum Warrior, and a bunch of other games i've played through the years.

    I tried City of Heroes when it came out but got bored with it because of the lack of things to do. It got repetative very fast. Loved the Character Creation system tho. I've never played PlanetSide but i've heard of it. From what I've seen, it looks cool.

    Cya in game guys. ;)
  2. Wecome and good luck on your application! :)
  3. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Hail and well met!
  4. Greets and Welcome!
  5. Welcome and good luck! :)

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