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WoW-Twisted Nether Horde Division Charter

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by GraniteRok, 7 Dec 2007.

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  1. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    For everyone to read. This is the document that will guide us on Twisting Nether. All new recruits will be sent this document via forum PM once they register on our forums. This should answer the majority of questions the recruits have. If you have any questions regarding this document, PM one of the officers.


    Dragonwolf Clan Guild Charter​

    Article I. Introduction

    Section 1.01 War Council Officers and Responsibilities
    Section 1.02 Guild Rank Structure and Abilities

    Article II. Recruiting Policy and Process

    Section 2.01 Process
    Section 2.02 Post Recruit Responsibilities

    Article III. Infractions and Punishments

    Article IV. Required Downloads

    Article I. Introduction

    Honor – Valor – Victory​

    Welcome to the Dragonwolf Clan, a Horde guild in the game World of Warcraft. We are pleased that you have selected us to be your guild in this game. In the following document you will find answers to some of your questions as well as getting an idea on how we run things on Twisting Nether.

    We have our eyes set on running higher end game instances as a complete guild. In order to do that we are looking at recruiting solid individuals who exemplify the Clan Draconus Lupus motto. Honor – Valor – Victory. Through the recruiting process we learn who we can rely upon to hold these ideals up. Many apply; some make it through the process. Those that do are forever changed. They are welcomed as brother or sister into a multi-gaming group that spans all of the current PC games. Once you become a Dragonwolf, only your actions determine if you stay a Dragonwolf.

    Section 1.01 War Council Officers and Responsibilities
    (Forum name in parenthesis)​

    Overlord – Warwolf (Warwolf)
    • Responsible for overall running and functioning of the guild.

    Operations Officer – Hemiras (I'll spell it later)
    • Maintains and updates Guild webpage

    Recruitment Officer – Everax (Zaox)
    • Keeps track of incoming recruits and notifies when a vote is needed. Also responsible for induction ceremonies.

    Assistant Recruitment Officer - TBD ()
    • Assists Recruitment Officer

    Guild Advisory Officer– Zhain (Telthinar)
    • Advisor to the War Council

    Guild Advisory Officer – Styxz (Koazz)
    • Advisor to the War Council

    Section 1.02 Guild Rank Structure and Abilities​

    Current player level has no bearing upon your rank while a recruit. The following is the Dragonwolf Clan guild rank structure and what each rank gives you as ability.

    • Forbidden to wear Guild Tabard

    • May wear Guild Tabard

    • Can wear Guild Tabard and have full access to our forums.
    • A full Clan Draconus Lupus member who has transferred to this division. As such, they do not have to go through the entire recruit process.

    Levels 30-39: Honor Primus

    Levels 40-49: Valor Primus

    Levels 50-59: Victory Primus

    Level 60-70: Legatos

    War Council Officers
    • Advisors to the Overlord. Can invite new recruits and can also kick members out of the guild.

    • This is for any guild member who wants to create a character for purely PvPing. This will keep those who have multiple Alts to still be kept under our guild tabard. In order to create a Legionaire, you'll have to have a fully guilded main character first. You are limited to one Legionaire per main character.

    • Leader of the Guild

    Article II. Recruiting Policy and Process

    “A general is just as good or just as bad as the troops under his command make him.” – Gen. Douglas MacArthur​

    It is the policy of the Dragonwolf Clan to recruit players who know how to play well in a large group environment, know when to follow orders, and show that they can help out other guild members. If, during the recruitment process, you fail to show us any of these qualities, you will be dropped from the guild.

    Section 2.01 Process​

    All full members of Dragonwolf Clan are representatives of this guild. As such they can also petition certain players to become Dragonwolves. Each player who wants to see someone as a Dragonwolf needs to contact a guild officer via forum PM or in-game whisper. The officer sends the recruit a guild invite. That new recruit will be responsible for registering on the forums within 24 hours of guild acceptance. Once registered the recruit will be informed via forum PM what we require from our recruits (Teamspeak and Guild Events Manager downloads along with a copy of this Charter)

    It is a violation of -CDL-'s Code of Conduct to play a game as a member of -CDL- without registering on the forums. We have set it up so that you must register on our forums and become a member of the Recruits Only user group before you can access our Teamspeak server. The process to become a member is quite simple.

    1. Once you register on the forums go to the USER CP panel located in the blue banner at the top of the forum page.
    2. Locate and click the GROUP MEMBERSHIPS tab on the left hand side menu.
    3. Click the Join Group button next to the DRAGONWOLF RECRUITS user group.
    4. Once you are approved, you will gain access to our Teamspeak and also be able to view the Recruits Only forum. It is here we will have information for new recruits. It's also a place for you to share your adventures through Azeroth.

    Getting Teamspeak is equally easy. Once you have completed the process of joining the Recruit Only user group, click the following link http://www.dragonwolves.com/content.php?p=108. This will take you directly to our Teamspeak registration page. Enter a password and follow the instructions. Once you have logged into Teamspeak you can enter the WoW channels. If it asks for a password, the password is g1antfrog. Note the 1 instead of the i.

    Once registered and all downloads are installed, the recruit has a period of 30 days to prove his or her worth. At the end of that time the recruit will be presented a Guild Tabard at the weekly all-guild meeting.

    Section 2.02 Post Recruit Responsibilities​

    Once you become a Dragonwolf you will be responsible for keeping your character active. We define active as logging onto your character at least every 30 days. If the period of inactivity reaches a 31st day, the Guild Leader will kick you from the guild. If, at some point in the future, you wish to bring that kicked player back into the guild, please inform one of the officers. They will invite you back into the guild. Do not abuse this privilege. The Guild Leader has ultimate power in bringing you back into the fold.

    If you wish to leave the guild, all rights and privileges given to you will be revoked. This includes access to the Divisional forums and Teamspeak. You may petition to come back at any time, but will be subjected to a review by the officers.

    Article III. Infractions and Punishments

    ”Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.” -Jim Rohn​

    As with any guild, there are certain rules that are played by. You can find these rules by clicking this link; http://www.dragonwolves.com/coc/. These are the rules that your actions will be measured against. Please become familiar with it and, if you have any questions on it, please drop one of the divisional officers a Private Message on our forums.

    Article IV. Required Downloads​

    • Teamspeak
    You can find all the information about Teamspeak and how to set it up for your use at this link: http://dragonwolves.com/content.php?p=93

    • Guild Uni-Uploader
    This is a great tool and such a boon to organizing raids and finding out who does what in this guild. Here is the link that will give you all the information and help you'll need: http://www.dragonwolves.com/wow/roster3/index.php Go to the bottom of the page for installation instructions.
    Here is a list of the addons that will be added to your character:

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