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Gaming with Honor, Valor and leading to Victory for over 10 years!
Conan ExilesThe DragonWolves have set up camp in Conan Exiles! Since launch we've setup several camps (screenshots below) and even started over fresh once. We have a server that is currently configured as private which any DragonWolves are welcome to join. If you'd like to offer access to a friend feel free to contact an Officer. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] The connection details are as...
Dragonwolves Resume Operations with Star Wars: The Old RepublicThe Dragonwolves are once again wetting our sabers and prepping our blasters for another exciting foray into Star Wars: The Old Republic. As with the old guild, we look for clear, measurable and obtainable goals with everyone in this division.
Public Discord ServerOver the years many communication methods have come and gone. From our early days on IRC to Roger Wilco and TeamSpeak. About a month ago we switched all of our communications over to Discord! What is Discord you ask? It's essentially a one stop stop for team communication. It's a Chat Client, as well as a Voice Client and it runs on just about every platform including mobile. [CENTER][URL='https://discord.gg/0gw55siRVDsFGqXE'][ATTACH]...
DragonWolves to play H1Z1If you haven't been following H1Z1 it is a Zombie Survival MMO by Sony Online Entertainment (the same folks who brought us PlanetSide) and it launches in to Early Access on Thursday the 15th! H1Z1 promises to provide a post-apocalyptic world with thousands of players who are all attempting to survive. Zombies are the biggest threat.. but other players and starvation could also take you out! While we don't have plans to form an Official Division for H1Z1 we...
DragonWolves YouTube ChannelWe have official re-launched our YouTube channel! With it I'm proud to debut two new videos, one of which is an overall intro to the DragonWolves and the other an intro to our new Star Citizen Division! [media] Click through to check out our Star Citizen preview as well as...
On April 10th myself and about 1500 Star Citizens will get a first look at what RSI will be releasing to the public at PAX East this year. The event will take place at the Royale Theater in Boston from 8pm til 12pm with Subscribers and Concierge holders being able to enter an hour ahead of time. Rumors are is that they will be debuting the Dogfighting module and hopefully will have some stations set up so we can get our hands on it.
I'm looking forward to attending this event and will even try my hand at live tweeting as well. I hope that there are others who have visited this website before who are going as well. I would like to see you there and hang out.
I'm looking forward to attending this event and will even try my hand at live tweeting as well. I hope that there are others who have visited this website before who are going as well. I would like to see you there and hang out.
After about a month of work, I'm proud to announce that we have officially gone public with our organization! Check out the thread here.
We are now in the Organization Thread. My hope is that we update this thread with personnel acquisitions and promotions. We also want to keep the discussions in there light and not very deep. If they need additional questions they should be steered toward any of the officers. We can probably answer any questions they may have.
The poster design could not have been started without Scrub reaching out to Sun6 on the RSI forums. Once those two touched base with each other several prototypes were submitted. All the officers had a say in the design of the poster. In the end we came up with this design. I think it fits perfectly with the vision I want for this division. I think you will agree.
Next on the list - customized sigs for the division!
We are now in the Organization Thread. My hope is that we update this thread with personnel acquisitions and promotions. We also want to keep the discussions in there light and not very deep. If they need additional questions they should be steered toward any of the officers. We can probably answer any questions they may have.
The poster design could not have been started without Scrub reaching out to Sun6 on the RSI forums. Once those two touched base with each other several prototypes were submitted. All the officers had a say in the design of the poster. In the end we came up with this design. I think it fits perfectly with the vision I want for this division. I think you will agree.
Next on the list - customized sigs for the division!
Hello citizens!
My name is Sentrosi and I'm the CEO of DragonWolves Incorporated. It's been my privilege to wear many hats with the DragonWolves for over ten years. I've lead divisions from our Battlefield 2 Competition Team to, more recently, Planetside 2. I've met such wonderful people here and developed good friends and great memories here. My main goal with this game is to make sure every member has fun. The 'verse in Star Citizen is vast. No one has ever undertaken an effort to deliver a full-on space simulator like this before. I want to do everything that I feel will be fun, and I want you to come along with me. What this means is that you won't be tied down to one specific task. One day you may want to make runs with your Caterpillar to the Davien System. The next, you may want to hunt down pirates that are making our space lanes hazardous. That's ok. As long as there isn't a fully sanctioned event going on, most of the things that are open to the game will be yours.
Most of you already know that the Organization Portal is now up and active over on the Roberts Space Industries website. We are officially listed at this address: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/DWI. If you click the link you will be taken to our portal page. Look over the page and, If you wish to become a member of our corporation, please apply there. We do expect those that apply on the RSI Organization Portal to also apply over at our main site here. Click this link for our application form: http://www.dragonwolves.com/applicationform/dragonwolf-membership.2/form
DragonWolves Incorporated will be focusing on two divisions; Security and Exploration. These two will make up the bulk of our interests within the game. As we get more information on the economy and game flow, we will be looking at Manufacturing, Salvage, and Logistics. And, as we get this information, our goals will become more focused. I'd like to have working relationships with other...
My name is Sentrosi and I'm the CEO of DragonWolves Incorporated. It's been my privilege to wear many hats with the DragonWolves for over ten years. I've lead divisions from our Battlefield 2 Competition Team to, more recently, Planetside 2. I've met such wonderful people here and developed good friends and great memories here. My main goal with this game is to make sure every member has fun. The 'verse in Star Citizen is vast. No one has ever undertaken an effort to deliver a full-on space simulator like this before. I want to do everything that I feel will be fun, and I want you to come along with me. What this means is that you won't be tied down to one specific task. One day you may want to make runs with your Caterpillar to the Davien System. The next, you may want to hunt down pirates that are making our space lanes hazardous. That's ok. As long as there isn't a fully sanctioned event going on, most of the things that are open to the game will be yours.
Most of you already know that the Organization Portal is now up and active over on the Roberts Space Industries website. We are officially listed at this address: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/DWI. If you click the link you will be taken to our portal page. Look over the page and, If you wish to become a member of our corporation, please apply there. We do expect those that apply on the RSI Organization Portal to also apply over at our main site here. Click this link for our application form: http://www.dragonwolves.com/applicationform/dragonwolf-membership.2/form
DragonWolves Incorporated will be focusing on two divisions; Security and Exploration. These two will make up the bulk of our interests within the game. As we get more information on the economy and game flow, we will be looking at Manufacturing, Salvage, and Logistics. And, as we get this information, our goals will become more focused. I'd like to have working relationships with other...
The DragonWolves forums and website have officially been upgraded to Xenforo! There are some pretty massive changes so there's a chance people could run into issues with permissions or access. We believe we have fixed most of it but if you are having issues with anything be sure to post in the comments.
Be sure to post your thoughts in the comments and let us know what you think!
Be sure to post your thoughts in the comments and let us know what you think!
We are happy to announce that our Upcoming Games forum is now open to the public! We have discussed this many times in the Officers Corps and determined that it's in our best interest to foster discussion from across the Internet about upcoming games that our team has interest in.
So drop by the forums today and start participating!
So drop by the forums today and start participating!
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM