Separate names with a comma.
I also thought it had a touch of Monday Night Combat. The Team Fortress is strong in this one, though.
24-pin ATX power is plugged in? Got the 12-V plug installed too? If you have everything plugged in, you may have a short in your case. Try taking...
So, as I understand it, only the dogfighting module is out and you need to have gotten into the kickstarter early to play?
I guess it's hard for me to put it in the same terms you guys have applied here. I see what you're trying to say, but I know that when the game...
I can't believe the prices on these ships. Is this game going to truly be pay to win?
I like all armed forces servicemen :/ No homo.
Isn't that the point? Time goes by in the game and the hunted slowly becomes the hunter.