Separate names with a comma.
it's good to see some things never change :) although i thought that we were all banned from posting here ... one should be careful... *points to...
Hey guys and dolls, thank you so much for the birthday wishes.. damn i am feeling old :) at least body wise, mind wise its all working just...
heya yourself Biscotti :) *hugs* :)
maybe you should start running around with out clothes ;) and take LOTS of pics for us :) *snickers* :eek:
it ties into the point that they are not able to take it away, they know this, they are looking for ways around it though. :) that is the point i...
See, here you guys got me again :) If there are laws that they cant have fire arms on campus, then why did this person have a firearm on...
gah! was cruising thru forums this morning and came across you guys here and just had to post! could not resist on this one. Being in a...
Great big hugs and a Birthday song for you swifty :)
hey guys and dolls :) thank you!
Test!!! *coughs a few times* *cops her best marylin monroe voice* *sings* Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday *pause look...
Diefast! that is totally awsome! Congrats! :) :) :) i think it takes alot of courage to go back and get something and even more to share that you...
And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make...... (that was a quote from the last song on the last beatles ablum that they...
will ad you to my friends list and hollar when someone that can invite is on :) oh and i will hollar at you just because i can :) *winks*