Separate names with a comma. Link for most warrior specs based on what your interests are.
Not to make lightly of your "the whole cause of humanities problems is organized religion" theme Kaikou, but I seriously doubt the shootings of...
ok, so here goes. My 4 year old son was a knight in shining armour. my 7 year old daughter was a butterfly fairy my 10 year old daughter...
yep, you killed it I would say Kai. Im so glad I came back to peruse the forums and see that there is yet another Religion thread going strong... without a doubt. And when your ready to buy. go to...
Happy BDAY! :D
thanks very much all for your birthday well wishes. I spent the weekend with my family camping. The last camping trip of the season, which we have...
"These patterns threaten my core belief in free will and undermine my deepest hope that people/society/culture have the ability to break free... File planet quake wars beta. Anyone else playing? let me know and Ill try to hook up with...
You amaze me with your art Queen HTS. Keep up the great work. SAF