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Aegis Reclaimer

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Public Discussion' started by Asp, 25 Sep 2014.

  1. Progger

    Progger DragonWolf

    Just melted my StarFarer and stupid Hornet (who needs combat anyway? My fucking drones will take care of that) and got me a RECLAIMER!!!
    Zodiak likes this.
  2. Reclaimer bought :)
    Zodiak and Progger like this.
  3. Ugh I want it so bad come on payday lol
  4. I am glad at least some of us are purchasing a Reclaimer; I've been without a machine for so long, I need to build and sell some 3d stuff before I can afford any more ships :(
  5. For those thinking of getting a Reclaimer, I wouldn't recommend everybody melt their Starfarers or Caterpillars:

  6. Wanted to share so you can get an idea of scale
    StickMan9000 likes this.
  7. Melted my Phoenix upgrade and Scout and picked up the Reclaimer for now.

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