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Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by ShadowSpawn, 18 Dec 2009.

  1. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    we saw it in 2D last night, Forrest didnt want to see it in 3D figured it would be gimmicky.

    The colors though where amazing. Really amazing.
  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    It's far from it, as Broken mentioned it adds a depth to the movie I know I have never seen before.

    Either way - an awesome movie glad you enjoyed it :D
  3. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    Yeah, 3D isn't a gimmick with stuff that jumps out at you anymore, like it was in the days of the cardboard glasses with the red and green lenses. It's very immersive, now, like you're sitting in the movie rather than being out in front of it.

    I saw it again in 2D to compare, and if you thought the colors were vivid that way, you haven't seen anything yet -- the dynamic range is way higher on the 3D version.
  4. Finally got around to seeing it this weekend. It was pretty impressive that 4 weeks after opening the IMAX 3D showing we went to was completely full.

    Amazing movie, definitely going to buy it on Blu Ray when it comes out. May have to upgrade the TV then as well...
  5. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    it says only in theaters...does that mean it won't be released on blu ray?
  6. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

  7. Om

    Om DragonWolf

  8. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I don't find it amusing really, the storyline didn't matter to me at all because it was an experience and technology I've never seen before. I felt like I was part of the world.. it was awesome.

    Folks who can't see past story lines and plots and expect every single movie to be original plot wise after thousands upon thousands of movies have been made might find it amusing :lol:

    If you can see it Sky I highly recommend it I think you would like it, the artistry and visuals in the movie are amazing. :D

    Edit: It also didn't play out exactly like that.
    Last edited: 16 Jan 2010
  9. Oakfist

    Oakfist DragonWolf

    FWIW Yes, that is EXACTLY the plot from the movie. I thought it was funny. But then I am kinda like Hamma, I dont care if it was an exact remake of Pocahontas, it was still a good movie.

    Only thing different is the ending sentence, in the "report" it said they resolved their differences, in the "movie" they didnt resolve them. Enough said.

    Although to argue with Hamma a little bit, I could care less if a movie is groundbreaking and has sensory overload, if the story sucks and not worth following it means it is a bad movie. This had a good story (albeit a rehashed version of Pocahontas as illustrated by the report) but you still cared about the characters.
  10. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    I lol'd. It's accurate, too.

    Where is the line drawn between 'derivative story' and 'archetype', though?
  11. You should see the movie. It has a good story, its entertaining to an almost absurd degree, and its flat out beautiful.

    You will not regret it.
  12. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    Finally saw this! The movie was great. Reminded me of Dances with Wolves.
  13. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    Yeah, you can't help but make that connection. Kind of like how Mass Effect borrowed from Fred Saberhagens Berzerkers.

    You can see the connection, but you have to respect the story.
  14. Guess I'm going to have to go see this finally! Imax here I come

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