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Battlefield 2142

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Derfud, 20 Mar 2006.

  1. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Sick.. I love the drop pod fired from the transport assault ability.. I can see once quake wars and this are out at the same time, I'll be busy :)

    BF2142 "titan" video

    the airborne assault was aweseome :D Staged, but awesome..
  2. Agreed. I'll be picking up both of these titles as well. :thumbsup: I also wanted to try out Huxley.
  3. that titan vid was pretty intense...and they finally show a tank
  4. Looking better all the time. Except CDL woulda done it Better on that Assault !
  5. I saw the video trailer at E3 last week. It looks cool but it still feels like BF2 with bigger guns. I'm still up in the air about this one.
  6. well yeah, it will obviously be BF2 with more stuff anyway.

    There's no point in getting rid of a perfectly good UI
  7. If they are going to make a new one at least they could do some look and feel up grades.

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