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Battlefield: Vietnam

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Siberian, 8 Mar 2004.

  1. This game pwns, its just too bad CDL will most likely not do a ladder. Due to the fact this game is like.... umm..... booger sugar, im gonna have to find me a clan. (it would only be until someone in CDL eventually gives in and decides to start the division, dont get me wrong, im still 101% Dragonwolf. Its okay i play this with a different clan right mani? If not i will immidiatly leave them.)

    O and I would start the divison, but im pretty sure no one would want ol'CapnPubes from Minnesota to be the division leader :p
  2. The game is indeed fun, and airlifting is just wacky. Out of nowhere a boat falls from the sky and exploding in a ball of flaming metal. Lots of wacky hijinks insues.

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