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BF2142, for those interested, with FP subs..

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Asp, 17 Aug 2006.

  1. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    You can almost set your watch by him :rofl:
  2. lol he is my younger brother so.... if he gets it i do too so i can play with him
  3. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    They also seem to have a webpage so you can reserve your name for the game ahead of time if you're already involved in BF2.

    Veterans program

    Good idea if you're afraid your name might be gone when you go to sign into the game for the first time. No special "marks" in your name this time, looks like just letters and numbers. Mine's apparently too short for the naming convention, so its CDLAsp.

    The page is a bit wonky, but if you're inclined you can reserve your name I suppose.

    ...aaaand, apparently you can only have one name associated with your account, and it looks like it may not be able to be the exact same name you used for BF2. Which makes so much sense, it quickly begins to make... no.. sense? :lol:
    Last edited: 23 Aug 2006
  4. Got my key and link to download just now
  5. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Me too.. installing


    Also because its been mentioned in various forums.. So no one screws up their beta:

    "If you havent already been to the beta forums, there are problems with beta key registration. ONLY INSTALL THE GAME ONCE. If you reformat, uninstall, or do anything else to your game, the beta key will not work. The first time you put it in when you install the game, will be the last time ever. So don't fubar your chances at testing the beta. This is for security reasons. Glad to see most of you have gotten your keys. Cheers, and see you on the field.".

    So be careful :p
    Last edited: 24 Aug 2006
  6. They sure as hell took their time, but I do now, eventually, have my key for BF2142.

    Even if I do manage to download it tonight, though, I'm doing something in London the next couple of days... so without even my laptop working, I'll be offline until Sunday :(
  7. Downloading now.
  8. HArd new controls lol
  9. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    [in the distance, a rumbling sound can be heard. Suddenly a heaven piercing scream comes rolling across the plains. Then...silence]

    That sound is my soul being taken from my body. d/l client now.
  10. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    What is wrong with you Sent? :lol:

    It's just gonna be the same game (again) with new maps, guns, and vehicles. They have yet to do something new and original with BF. I'd be surprised if they do it this time :D

    I was gonna give it a try but my damn FP sub expired.
  11. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer


    I just got off the phone with Satan, apparently its -235 degrees down there.. Well done Sent, it actually froze over :p
  12. They have Titan mode. ;)
  13. Which now actually gives you a purpose to the usual "Capture and Hold" the points....

    You hold the points and they shoot missiles at the enemy Titan. (A big flying base/Battleship)

    Your goal is to destroy the enemy Titan.

    It's interesting..
  14. Got my key, d/l when i get home from work!
  15. i probably fubar'd my cd key because the client I pre downloaded from dyganth didnt work and I just reinstalled the game. I havent had a chance to try it yet so lets see when i get off work :doh:
  16. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Got mine...
  17. well i was able to reinstall the game before i went to work so maybe im ok
  18. You can reinstall, you just can't use the key to activate the game again. Which means screwed.
  19. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Okay, well, my activation key is borked as well. I installed the beta and tried the key they sent me and it is invalid.

    Wonderful start for EA. This meets their track record so far in every other game I have played by them.

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