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BF2142, for those interested, with FP subs..

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Asp, 17 Aug 2006.

  1. i didnt have a problem -)
  2. Stinks that you can only install the beta once too, I just got my new PC but can't play it. :(
  3. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Okay, squared away. But unless the game gets markedly better, so far it is just the same '42 warmed over.
  4. Defintely graphics improvement. Like the futuristic gameplay a little more. But still nothing original or new feeling.

    Come on QuakeWars!
  5. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I concur, just gave it a try finally. Same book different cover imo. Sure theres a new gameplay type but it just uses the same old gameplay type and adds missiles. :lol:
  6. Same concept new goals i think its fun and played enuff to get almost 4 unlocks. Defense can make or break a battle now
  7. Honestly now, was anyone expecting anything more than a new unlock system and titan mode?
  8. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Nope. :p
  9. I'm just happy to finally see a BF game with Mechs in it :)
  10. the mechs can be fierce, but dayum are they big targets. I actually feel safer i my tank :p
  11. At least the menus are finnally better. Man have I always hated BF's menu system. Finnally one that doesn't lag to hell.
  12. Well I've tried to join a game twice now, and I get a CTD error.

    Of course, given the fact they have 27 pages of this error from people to deal with, I doubt I'll be hearing from them anytime soon :rolleyes:
  13. ORANGE

    ORANGE DragonWolf

  14. Looks like there's an updated client, go see if anyone works better now!
  15. The multiplay demo is out for those interested.
  16. Had 8 or 9 unlocks in beta and already preordered, ill download it now.
  17. the server I joined in the demo was extremely laggy... I hope thats not a sign of whats to come
  18. I havent had any lag so far but maybe the servers im on are just good?
  19. Played this alot so far, even played with Arg awhile yesterday and sckrike DLed it. Its a fun game even though some thing might get on people's nerves i like it for what it is a FPS not a mircale lol
  20. Downloaded the new version. I will be installing it momentarily...

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