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bought guild wars

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by NightJackal, 30 Apr 2005.

  1. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Think I'll be passing :p
  2. okay, so i went out and got it tonight :) had to do something while i was at lunch from work .. and so i stopped in the game shop at the mall and saw it, looked like something that i could get into.. so i picked it up and read the book front to back and then back to front (stripping just takes so much time you know) and decided that i cant wait to give it a try :) (does not mean i have plans to leave wow..sometimes we all like something different, and these are the kind of games i enjoy :) ) so after i get it installed and such i will be looking you gents up!
  3. okay so i bought the game.. i open it up.. and i go to install it.. and the disk is literally messed up.. like physically.. so i guess tomorrow at my lunch break from work i am going to have to take it back to the store! and return it and hope that they will replace the game.. and i am going to ask them to open it up, i was quite disappointed that i could not get it installed tonight :( i was looking forward to checking it out! yeah for quality controll!!!
  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    hehe The endless list of games we are trying out only lengthens!

    It's a diversionary game Hamma, not something I really see the CDL going all out in. But it is a fun game and really resembles Dungeon Siege in its feel and use.

    I took a few screenshots for people to see and I did a short FRAPs as well.

    Right now I am just running around with Shads trying something new out. The game has some beautiful graphics and the layouts are nice - the transitions from one area to the next are smooth and the group system is pretty cool. I have started the guild and even designed the tabard, which I took a screenshot of, but we don't have the gold yet to purchase one.

    The game is not PvP centered but mainly focuses on the development and adventures of your character at this level. I am assuming once the higher levels are attained the PvP aspect will come into play more.

    One thing cool I like is you can get dyes and color your armor to more personalize your character. That is something I wish WoW would allow. :)

    The other reason I am trying this is I had a gift card at EB's that paid for the game and the servers are free. :lol:
  5. *cough* To START anyway. The entire game is really built around PvP with PvE being a training and "skill up" world. As you unlock pieces in PvE you can immediately use them in PvP. You could jump into PvP right now if you wanted Mani, so could the guild.

    So if CDL wanted to go that way, they could. Check out the global standings for guilds here

    I don't see this pulling enough CDL over to keep the guild going though. But if your in and you need a hand, send me a whisper. :)

  6. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    What name you using there? I am Rustam Thorvald.
  7. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    Ill be pickin this up :)
  8. Duncan Cover is my main. W/Mo 12 (Axe, Strength, Healing Prayers)
    Qor Ronin will be an Alt at some point. Me/R (*tbd*)

  9. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    You like the W/Mo with the axe, str/healing prayers? I was thinking of going that route. I am currently a W/Mo 6 but have only placed some of my points in str right now.
  10. I do, aye. Swords are over used IMO and I couldn't see myself banging peoples heads with a hammer. :D

    The other fun route to go is Protection Prayers, where you mitigate the damage as it comes in instead of healing it.

    I've tried a slew of combos. Found the W/Mo on the last beta event. Mostly before that I was Me, N or R. Been stuck with my Axe since. ;)


    P.s. Hierax the silent playes a R/N :D
  11. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    That settles it. I am going with my axe. :)
  12. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    My character's name is John Thrust! :D
  13. Silent this :p

    Aramir Paxt 8 Ranger/Mesmer
    Incus Paxt 3(4 ?) Elementalist/Monk
    Warrior/Necro TBD

    Not sure if anyone here remembers me from T2 - used to be Shrike - changed to Hierax to avoid name conflict.
  14. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I remember you bro! :D

    I will add you guys to my friends list and send invites to the guild for those not already involved in one.
  15. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    Quick newbie question:

    I found a flame Artifact Energy +3, what do i do with that?
  16. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Anther newbie question for the veterans:

    How much is the guild cloak? It has a bar representing the money - what does that equal?
  17. I have a warrior char named Faith Truthstriker...I forget what level though. Haven't played all that much yet.
  18. Cloak, insignia and colors are 2 plat (2,000 gold) and can be bought in town where you made the guild. The Guild Hall is another 2k gold, if you can get the sigil (need to get to Lion's Arch first). The Hall is much harder to come by requiring you to get to the Halls of Heros (not sure if you have to win the PvP or not) to get the sigil - right now not many folks are selling the Sigils to the merchies so we can get the 2k price. afaik.

    I'm still crossing the Shiverpeaks from Ascalon... so I can't speak to what's going on in Lion's Arch. :D

    Put it into your offhand and it'll boost your energy by +3.

    btw check out The Guild Hall for a good community and source of info.

  19. I'm in as a R\E named Draco Wolf so far. Giving it a try but may switch over to a primary Mes.
  20. okay, after finally getting my copy replaced and installed :) I have a few toons made up :) i sat at work having nothing to do again :) so i thought up combinations of what i would initially like to try ... and made my toons.. i am not sure which one i am going to be using :) but i have them ready for me ;)

    Skys Dawn (this is a nick i have used for ages) necromancer

    Bella Disaster Elementist

    Mysteria Lane Mesmer

    Lady Mignonne Monk

    so I will ad you to my friends List manitou and send you off a tell when i log on :) so i can get an invite ;) for one of them! i was just having too much fun with the different hair styles and such :) to make only one!

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