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Cities XL

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hamma, 27 Apr 2009.

  1. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Mani TB and I built on Galatea, you can search for us by name and put a city nearby.. :)
  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Nice :D
  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Ban Town Established.. :p
  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I have Dragon Wolf Lair. I an a total newb when it comes to sims games. I always get owned by the economics aspect and end up running my city into the dirt.

    I currently have like 1900 people in my population. TB comes in and within 10 minutes he has 5000 people. :mad:

  5. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    I only played for a couple of minutes last night I think I have a couple hundred farmers.. :lol:
  6. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    Up to 30k in pop last night
  7. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

  8. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Don't worry Mani, when my super-highway crosses over your farmers fields on the way to Tbeast-a-stan I'll be sure to pay you close to market value for the land :p
  9. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I can see it now...imminent domain and all my property is gone.
  10. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    How do you connect to adjoining cities anyway?
  11. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Who knows? I can't even get people to move into my city, let alone trying to get them to build roads to another!
  12. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    What did you do build a park and tell them to setup tents? :p
  13. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Actually I thought I had a good layout. I placed all the streets first in a nice square pattern. Then I built industry to one side, retail in another and offices on the river. I guess I need to build bigger and faster.
  14. From what I can tell, with my very limited knowledge of this game, cities only really interact at this point by trade. When your city is producing more of something, like heavy industry,money tourism, brussel sprouts, zerglings, etc., you get a token for your excess production that you can then trade or sell to other cities that need more of that for their city.

    You could, for example, create a super-massive landfill, and then sell your landfill space to other cities so they can dump their trash in your town instead of them having to build their own. They might in return trade you their excess fuel or whatever you might need to run the galaxies largest landfill.

    There are also things called blueprints, but I don't know what they do.
  15. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Ahh ok.. interesting maybe I will specialize in Garbage. :lol:

    I do know the blueprint thing! :p

    They are special buildings that you have to earn - I'm not sure exactly how they are earned but they will be unique blueprints (Statue of Liberty for example) that will only be built on one part of the world.

    Yea Mani that's pretty much what I started doing also, no clue how it will work yet played a total of 5 mins.
  16. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    The annoying thing is their site has been down for a few days, which means no access to the beta forums, which means no information anywhere on how to play the game..

    I can expand slowly, but I want to know the relationship between the residents/retail/offices/manufacturing.. etc etc..

    I mean, I build factories, and have workers (qualified and unqualified), then the factories say they don't have access to offices, but I built office space across the street.. If I put more people in the city they complain there aren't any jobs..

    They complain but what they should be doing is praying a godzilla button never highlights on the interface, because I will $&%#ing use it!!!! :mad:
  17. I needed lots and lots of unqualified housing along with lots of heavy industry to get my city moving. I built my industrial complexes well outside of town because they create so much air pollution. Don't worry too much if you get to where the game tells you that your city has too much heavy industry for its size; once you open up manufacturing, that will consume some of your heavy industry. And later, once you get high tech industry, you can build that much closer to your residential zones as they don't create air pollution.

    The big thing to watch is what each industry zone requires for workers - make sure you are laying down sufficient residential zones to fill the jobs that will come online once businesses fill those industry zones. Its helpful to watch the population tab; it will tell you how much each worker category has of available jobs, and unemployment. If there are vacant jobs -build more housing for that segment. If unemployed, zone more industry.
  18. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Excellent info, Aet, thanks!
  19. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Aye awesome tips!

    So Unqualified workers work in Heavy Industry? Where do Qualified workers work?

    Does building sections of industry outside of the city create issues with roads or are people able to find their way there ok?

    No kidding I logged onto there today and saw a control panel configuration page...
    Last edited: 19 Jun 2009
  20. Sorry for slow response times...I've been out of town...still am...anyway...

    If you look on the different industry zones, as you hover over the icon, it will tell you what types of workers each zone requires.

    Low density Heavy INdustry requires only unqualified workers
    Med. Den Heavy Ind. requires half unq. & half qualified

    Low dens. Offices are staffed only by qualified

    Low density manufacturing is 50/50 qualified/unqualified

    I don't recall what the other industries & densities are. I did open up low density high tech, which may be only qualified workers, but I don't remember...it may be qualified & executives.

    Again though, if you just hover over the zone type - it should tell you the worker requirements

    As for transportation & distance -

    I haven't been able to tell yet how the distance to work affects the workers job satisfaction, although I'd guess that it does degrade that.
    They can and do though, at least for me, fill the jobs at places seemingly far away. You do need to make sure, at least I decided to, create multiple roads leading to the industrial areas as my single road was getting highly congested.

    Another thing I noticed with regard to roadways and zoning:

    You probably want to leave some extra space between some of your lots for larger roadways that provide extra capacity. I don't remember, but I think the game opens up larger roads as you pop increases like it does for other buildings and zones. I had access to a 'large avenue' that had 80 cars/minute or somesuch which required a more space than the single lane road i had been using.

    Also - I'd suggest places your zones so that they are oriented parallel to the roadways (so that the long side of the rectangle is flush against the road) as placing them perpindicular will prevent two lots from being laid next to each other due to intersection restrictions on the road. This was only evident when I moved to the higher cap roadway. [oh...this is only applicable when placing zones using the leftmost option of the three...i forget what its called...block zoning maybe]
    Last edited: 20 Jun 2009

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