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D&D online

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Derfud, 30 Nov 2003.

  1. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    You may have some trouble with no Clerics so you may want to make a NPC that is a cleric and remove the fighter (you will still have 3)

    4th level is going to be a challange since they are there so fast. Interaction will make the game so much better.

    Hopefully they won't have a lot of magic.

    One thing you could do is restart them all at 1st level. Make them re-roll their stats if you want (remember all stat rolls should be done in front of the party or the DM but always with the DM present) Again, not sure about prestige classes, we played old style, a fighter is a fighter, a thief a thief. What makes a character prestiges is the feats and the act he carries out, the way he develops his/her character.

    In time your characters should develop in a way that makes them proud. Our group after years of travel created a name for themselves, the 5 lords (even though there where more or less at some points) The made and emblom 2 golden swords crossed on a background with a glass sword pointing down. The golden swords where part of their "Merchant" symbol, the glass sword was from the famous sword Lord Boru carried that was made of glass. Wasn't that strong but know one had one like it, he used it over more magical swords because it was a part of his persona.

    I will have to post some pictures of the stuff my guys created or I can e-mail them to you, so you can see how open this game can be.


    "...yes, I heard of them blood guards, the best of the best, live or die tests..." such a small statement that lead to quests of glory only written in legends...
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf


    I miss those days.
  3. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    Once my party walked up to a doorway in a mountainside. The group couldn't get the door open, so I kicked the door. The DM rolled a d20 5 times. Rolls as follows: 1, 20, 20 ,20 ,5.

    DM: Take 5. I can't f'ing believe this!! I'm going outside to think about this, you guys stay in.

    When he came back, the following happened.

    DM: You over violent and stupid Barbarian (me) kicks the door. You break you foot on the door, the door dose not open. Everyone hears a deep rumble and the earth begins to shake. The mountain cracks around the door and falls down, leaving the door standing. The ranger is the only one that sees 5 skellies standing in a room that would have been there had the mountain had not just self destructed.

    Btw: The person we were going to rescue...a puddle of goo...
    Last edited: 18 Dec 2003
  4. omg :vomit:

    nice story tho mani...as always :)
  5. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

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