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Dark Ages of Camelot

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Doomhawk, 28 Sep 2001.

  1. Great Dane


    I never tried to snipe. It's just not my thing.
  2. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    That's probably because you don't like to aim Mr Mortar.

  3. Bahhhhhh I like to see you put up with an entire team chase you game in and game out, then die multiple times somtimes running your ass off for over a min only to die and then loose the flag inches from you stand watching in OBS as the HOF on your team is totally oblivious to the flag being right behind him and the other team reclaims it!!!

    That my friend takes alot of pride and sorrow!
  4. Doomhawk

    Doomhawk Council of Elders<BR>UberPigeon Elder DragonWolf

    hey now whats all this spam in ma thread for ?? =0 the game should be coming out this month and it looks like its gonna kick ass (if yer into these sorta games =P )
  5. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    holy has the beta
  6. Greetings,

    Kicked out I apologize...I meant out of bounds flag runners...I have great respect for those who strive to be good flag runners. To be exact the ones I meant are the ones who stay out of bounds...get the flag and then run with the flag back out of bounds.

    I have strived to defend against flag runners for 3 years..It has been a great hard task. I consider you one of the best that Tribes 1 IX has to offer. It is not a easy task...the one that you choose..but well worth the reward....


    :ayb: :samuria: :ninja:

    :flagchase :thumbsup:
  7. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    In T2 if you go oob with the flag you loose it :thumbsup:
  8. Hey,

    WOOOHOOO, I just get kinda defensive about me role, I take alot of time to perfect my stuff drives me nutz when peeps make comments, Im sorry I misunderstood ya :) your one of the best IX pain in the asses I ever had to go up against :) and thats a good thing.

    Cheers KO :D
  9. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Yeah we used to have to distract winter all the time. Bastage likes emps! Between him Queen and Mr VMP whore. We didn't get through them often...
  10. Great Dane


    It was that damn phlanax cannon that Winter always tore me up with.
  11. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Don't bring back those mem.. winter shot you with that?! How come he always chased me around with rockets! I feel cheated.
  12. Greetings,

    MTX..Great Dane did Heavy Offense...With the way that IX was most Heavy offense would come in by starting a ski run with a heat sink. When they did I would immediately engage them with the phalanxx cannons at close range..it was the fastest way to stop heavy assaults. The phalanxx cannons are great weapons vs. heavy and medium armors...they loose thier effectiveness vs. the light armor players.

    Defenders in matches also used the very conterversional EMP grenade launcher...I understand that it takes a lot of skill out of engaging somebody..but I also realize it is part of the IX Tribes 1 mod and people deal with it. I now only use the EMP against offensive players when I am on a defensive role or to engage flag runners that have taken my teams flag..The EMP should not be used for dueling a player out in the open..Unless they use it on you first....Then it is your call...

    You If I remember correctly were a light flag runner also did heavy assault from time to time. That is why the times I did play against you I used the rocket launcher instead..even still it is very hard to duel a light when you are a medium armored defender in a Rocket Booster/Phalanxx Cannons/Rocket Launcher/EMP grenade launcher....


    :ayb: :samuria: :ninja: :moss::
  13. Doomhawk

    Doomhawk Council of Elders<BR>UberPigeon Elder DragonWolf

    Hmm you couldnt carry the flags oob in T1 either. Dending on the server settings it was something in the range of 0-10 seconds you could be OOB with the flag. And the fastest way to plaster a HO out in the open was with the good ol :minedisk: or mine missle in my case. worked great against heatink HOs or if they were wearing a booster theyd just pop. damm i loved poping them :) As far as the EMP, we all know people hated to be hit by it so I always made a point of spaming people multiple times with it just to get em pissed off :p
  14. I never did much of that defending the open ground stuff... I like camping an enterance w/ meh phalanxx, RL and some mines soo much more....that's why I loved Broadside/Blastside...

  15. :whore:
  16. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    I loved charging in the doors of broad/blastside in a light with a shield pack and shotgun. It was always funny to run around a corner and smack into a light head on then squeeze the trigger and run through them as they fell dead.

    Doing charges like that with other lights and heavys was great. Always reminded me of saving private ryan cause we'd all charge in but only a few if any of us would make it in.

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