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Dungeon Runners

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by PumpMonkey, 15 Apr 2006.

  1. I'd say just list the 6600.

    It's the same core with different speeds on the core and memory
  2. i checked my email. applied about 2 weeks ago even. nothing. hmm. apply again?
  3. Unless you have something to change on your application, just wait it out.

    This was only the second round of beta invites.
    The firtst round were invited around 4/13.

    The game is still going to be in beta for quite a long time. Which, I would hope, means you all will have plenty of opportunity to get in.

    And if not, just wait till E3 is over for the press release about this game. It's gonna be a big one :)
  4. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

    I just signed up myself, we'll see what comes of this.

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