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Dungeon Siege 2

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Paladin, 1 Aug 2005.

  1. just finsihed the demo, the game is pretty good and has alot of promise. I didn't figure out you could get friends to help you fight. That made the game almost too easy. I then found out that you can buy pets and feed them, which i thought was cool.

    I'll most likely pick this game up.
  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    I tried the demo, just wasn't my thing.
  3. I'll be playing a ranged specialist or a nature mage :D
  4. Remember that mod Arg? The one where you would use an attack once and it'd level you like 6 times?

    That was pretty funny.
  5. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Ahhhh...other games...

    NASCAR Racing Season 2003....and WoW.....that's where I'll be....


  6. Oh yes.. Arglaar's Powerleveling supermod.

  7. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I can't wait to have another late night power leveling session! I wonder if, instead of chickens, they have little Colonel Sanders running around that level.
  8. Better yet - Chuck E Cheese so we can beotch slap him silly.
  9. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Why? I do that everytime I go to a Chuck E Cheese, just to make the person inside the suit realize how bad their life sucks right now.
  10. is it sad that my local best buy is so inept that I was able to purchse a copy of DS2 4 days early?
  11. I show thats its been pushed back till the 24th anyone else know about this?
  12. clearly it has no reason to be pushed back if its already been shipped (unless its a demand issue). Best buy had a display with the CD-Rom version - so I got it. They didn't have it in their system "for some reason" (hint: its because it shouldn't have been on the shelves yet), but they remedied the situation without me having to argue.
  13. u suck, i'll have to see if my best buy has it yet then.
  14. Prepaid for my copy today at EB and should pick it up some time tomorrow.
  15. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Might be a week or so before i get this game.
  16. Ok been playing for about 1.5 days now, have a lvl 18 group of people (ranger, two natura mages-one speced for pure damage, the other for healing and for pets, then a dire wolf- everyone needs to do that quest). I have some pretty cool gear right now and a bad arse bow thats purple and does a crap load of damage. I can't wait to beat the game to see what its like playing it threw the other lvls ie: veteran etc.
  17. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I might have to just reinstall DS1 and Legends of Arranna, level up a Combat Mage and see how far I can go with it.
  18. So is anyone else playing this? And what are your thoughts?

    I'm considering picking it up...
  19. I've been playing it all night solo, yesterday I was playing it with two of my friends while we were lanning. The game is great fun. I'm thouroughly enjoying it, there is way more variety than the first game, there is more character customization aswell. The story is pretty good, and the game seems a lot less linear than the first.

    In SP I'm playing a ranger, and I have a warrior and a nature mage in my party, currently level 12. I have this shortbow that gives +10% to magic find, and +15% to gold aquisition. It's damage isnt all that great, but My character has such a high magic find I'm hesitant to give it up.

    That being said, the whole magic find thing reminds me a little of diablo II, and in fact, the teleporters, town portals and such remind me of diablo II.

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