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Dungeon Siege II

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Manitou, 16 Apr 2004.

  1. I haven't played DS in a long time. I've never played the multiplayer, however. I'd love to give it a try as I love the game. I didn't know there was an expansion out, either.
  2. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    you can get the whole game and expansion for the first Ds for 20 bucks . Also you can import any of your old single player people :)
  3. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    Bad dudes, bad dudes, whatcha going to do when they come for you!

  4. Dear God Otto -
    can you come agro some big boys for me to take pot shots at and get the levels? :D
  5. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Bad news.

    All that work we put in yesterday Reign is ferschnickit. I lost all my data on a flubbed resize of my main drive. Yes, ALL. Took most of the night to attempt a recover. By 5am I was like, screw it. I just repartitioned my 160Gb drive to a full 160 and threw my 40Gb drive that was lying around and reinstalled stuff onto the C drive.

    Just got done doing that. Now it's install time for all my other proggies.
  6. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    My guy is even more pumped now. I loved this game and played it all the time, now I might have to dig it back out, restore my character down and start playing again! aaarrrggggg
  7. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Otto, there is an expansion pack out now. It has all kinds of new weapons, armor and stuff! New maps as well, plus if you get the expansion it has the full blown game so you won't actually need to find the old CDs. Come play with us! :D

  8. My thoughts exactly Otto.

    Only thing keeping me from doin this is the fact that City of Heroes is soo damn fun :D
  9. do i need the expansion to play with people who umm well, have the expansion?
  10. caz yeah you do unless you just want to play the base DS - which those of us with the expansion can still do. Kinda like playing the regular Diablo2 even though you also have the Lord of Destruction expansion pack.

    The expansion (which includes the full DS game also) is down to the range of $20-$25 depending on where you snag it at.

    Otto - what Mani said. Get back here.
  11. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    Same here. CoH is tons of fun, very original.
  12. What server are you playing on Legend?

    We have our mains on Prime currently.

    There's usually someone in the TS channel when we're playing. You should join us.
  13. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    I couldn't find my 2nd disk last night! aarrrggg. I guess I will have to go out and buy the expansion pack now, crap I was all set to play this week (can't get out till the weekend) I have all my saved games and characters.

    Drove me nuts looking for it to!
  14. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    I play on prime, though I'm trying to decide what type of character I like the best.
  15. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Otto, go get the expansion NOW!! We plan on playing this Thursday! You MUST be there!!! hehe
  16. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    Kaoz come out with us, I have this spell that will make the monsters attack me, you guys can gang up on them while they are blindly trying to take me out! I have a few things I can give you as well! If you want to do magic let me know (currently I have 11 magic books full of spells!) I only use 2 of them most of the time but I can help with acquiring more! See now this game has sucked me back in! aaarrrgggggg
  17. basteges.....went to wall mart to pick somthing up and it just floted into my hands well for 20 buks its cool beter not be like the last time i tryd to play it whith you all go leval up thay sead and we will play it whith you later gerrr thay never did play it whith me ..but ill give you all anuther shot ..

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