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Enemy Territory: Quake wars

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Asp, 11 May 2007.

  1. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    hmm I may give it another whirl after a couple patches, as the case with beta I always reserve final judgement for the release version.

    And why am I not getting that download rate? :p
  2. The Dallas server was the only one I could get that crazy download speed at.

    But yeah, people are already discussing plans for a tribes mod for QW:ET. Granted on the quake engine, any real tribes mod would probably feel more like T:V than the originals, but we'll see.
  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    Man I miss tribes :(
  4. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

    Saw some old names around today, Spywear, Kodiak, Techlogic, and Homerpf playing it today, too bad i got the punk buster bug, didn't really get to play with them much
  5. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Wow, Kodiak still kickin it?
  6. Deffinetly a good game , alot more strategy than 2142 so the run and gunners will be upset and learning curve to the strogg side for alot of the sterring and guns . Overall very good game and splash damage effects and im sure alot will enjoy it but not everyone.

  7. Looks like the official demo is out tomorrow.
  8. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Hmmm, they doing just one map or rotating a couple? I've pretty much had it with Valley.

    [edit]They're only giving us access to the Valley map. But they're also including Single Player support so you can run around with a bot filled map looking for key weaknesses.

    The new demo includes some XP tweaks and the spawn point just off the bridge on the way to the Shield Generator can now be captured before GDF hacks the Shield Generator. I'll be d/l it as soon as I can.
    Last edited: 10 Sep 2007
  9. well, i just dL'd the demo and will prob be playing it this evening later on...i'll jump on TS when i do to see if anyone else is checking it out
  10. I pulled off a score of 391 over a 3 round campaign map last night, so many kills with artillery :D
  11. yeah...i took a little bit to figure out what to do where with what class, but since i've played a lot of et:rtcw it was fairly straight forward on a lot of stuff

    have had a decent amount of fun and have gotten pretty high on the score list at the end of a campaign...gotten pretty close to but don't think i've broken 400

    it is frustrating the lack of coordination at times...but hey, its a demo and i'm playing on pubs w/no voice
  12. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I've been playing this for a few nights now on my new machine, as my old one just crashed (to blue screen flashing "are you f@$#%&* kidding?!?!?") when I tried to run it previously.

    I have to admit its kinda fun, but the whole thing feels like quake hepped up on crack.. It's almost too fast, for a game that should be more about tactics than just blunt frags.. The vehicles all feel paper thin, and you either seem to "roxorz" everyone in your path or you die 6 seconds after spawning..

    Maybe if it were tightly coordinated with your teammates it would be better, but right now the concept gets a big "meh".. It's pretty to be sure, but I'd sacrifice looks for decent gameplay any day.

    Any benefit they gain from making a more tactically oriented game they lost by keeping the game flying along like Unreal Tournament.

    I think I'll wait for Call of Duty 4, it seems from all accounts they're balancing things right..
  13. I've been playing part of it. Steam provides the demoversion to players
  14. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I enjoyed the quality of the game, and some of the 'strategy' for the Valley map. A good Strogg team can keep the GDF forces at the bridge for a good part, if not all, of the match. As I've not seen the other maps, I can only comment on Valley.

    It still felt like a jumpfest (UT style) but after a bit you can time the players jump. I like the comedic feel of TF2 over QW right now.
  15. Last edited: 9 Oct 2007
  16. I bought it and love it but i hate playing pubs with no VOIP hard to be coordinated.

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