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Every great nation fails, is America??

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Paladin, 11 Apr 2006.

  1. They do indeed live here and they definately do have an impact on everyone else - that does not make them Americans and it doesn't mean that the impact is a good one.

    If the Canadian army marched across the border and sets up camp, and then proceeded to stay there for say 2 months, maybe even a year - would you automatically consider them Americans?

    The geographic location of my person and my residence has no bearing on my citizenship. Assume I speak no Spanish. Assume I am of Asian decent. If i flew to Spain, built a shack outside of Madrid and started saying I was a Spaniard no one who interacted with me would take me seriously.
    Last edited: 18 Apr 2006
  2. Home so how long does one have to stay inorder to be considered a citizen??? Cause I think a lot in this clan would be Wowitians or maybe Draconusians:D

    Ok so it was a bad joke.
  3. Stupid yes, but Very Funny!

    :D :D
  4. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I'm with Aeternus on this one. Everyone who is for "Immigration Rights" seems to forget the fact all these people are here ILLEGAL:
    They are here and working 60 hours a week at 4.00/hr sure, doing jobs americans won't do? I don't buy that, they are doing jobs corporations are to cheap to hire americans for.. guess why? They don't have to deal with all the extra stuff- just give them a check. Then they are using our services and not paying a dime of taxes into them. We pay for it, the Americans pay for it. Just because you run across the border and sit down in Texas Soil does not make one an American. Allowing amnesty for all these people who have been here illegally for x amount of years is a spit in the face to everyone who legally immigrated into this country over the past years.

    When Jen and I were trying to get her into the country one of the Immigration officers said it best, and this quote will stick in my mind for years and years to come.

  5. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    Sweety, you know I'm not a religious freak and the last thing I would do is shove religion down someone's throat. Just meaning a higher power there...as I said. I don't care how many Gods you worship or don't. Feel free to pick apart every word, but I hope you know me well enough by now to understand what I meant and know I'm sincere.
  6. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    Hon, becoming an American is Geography, imo. We are the country that was founded on being a home for the outcasts...or at least we did till we got so full of ourselves.

    If a cloud forms over Canada and the winds blow it over the United States and that rain starts falling here, it's US water.

    Becoming a legal citizen is something different than being an American. It's just a brand name...like an ordinary banana vs. a chiquita banana! Doesn't make one *not* a banana.

    I think this country was founded on beautiful ideas and to this day these ideas are modern and difficult to embrace sometimes because we fear each other...we fear someone we don't understand will move in next door and take our job or rob us or change our country to be something we don't want.
  7. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    I think the concept of even a generic 'higher power' being religious in nature comes from the fact that some don't believe that there is a higher power at all. From this perspective, even the mostly innocuous phrase, "One Nation, Under God" could cause one to feel a bit oppressed, as they might interpret it as, "One Nation, Under Religious Beliefs That I Don't Share." I confess, I felt a bit of this myself upon reading your post. Now, please understand, I'm not offended, nor do I believe that you were trying to impose religion on anyone -- my interpretation was that you were using the phrase to illustrate your views on national unity. I can just see how it can be interpreted in a religious context. :)
  8. Keep in mind the phrase "under God" was added in the 1950's to offset the whole "red" scare.

    I don't give my 2 cents much. It seems that nobody thinks it worth much.
  9. Also Keep in mind those same people make $4 dollars an hour take those $4 dollars an hr jobs away from americans who are in poverty as well.

    Many Imigrants work contruction which pays quite well in fact and are paying no taxes Hell i would love to not pay taxes on everything i do but since im legal i have too.

    Yes we were a nation founded on imigrants, but after we build the land we live on laws were made to help keep the econmy stable. So please quit throwing we were founded on imigrants up, as that was many decades ago in a different world time.

    I would love for them to be able to come here and contribute to society and at the same time giveing them a chance to better themselfs and familys, But Do it like we all freakin have too.

    rant off.
    Last edited: 18 Apr 2006
  10. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    My apologies for offending anyone with the word "God". Please feel free to send me all your cash! :p~

    And shads, I hear what you're saying. There's no perfect solution to that. I wish there were.

    I think the one thing we all have in common is that we all want to be free to be who we are. That's not emphasized enough in the United States right now. That is the freedom you and mani and my father and grandfather and everyone else in the military has fought for.
  11. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I think it's priceless, race.
  12. Of course they do. Just because I don't... ;)

    Last edited: 18 Apr 2006
  13. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    Like I said, you haven't offended me in the slightest -- no need to apologize. And the check is in the mail. ;)

    Well said -- this bears repeating.
  14. in regards to the "we were founded on immigrants" quote

    Yes we were founded on immigrants but most if not all of those immigrants came from the same country..England and like shadow said we live the laws we created it's not fair to the low income american person who is here legally to pay taxes working $6.50 and hour when there are illegals working 10+ an hour in construction or landscaping and not paying taxes...their income comes to about 13 or so an hour with taxes which is over double what the "real" american is making
  15. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I agree that they should pay taxes. However, if we kicked everyone out of the US who broke the law...wow. I think we'd be down to a third or less of our population, yeah?

    And I'm part English, Irish, German, Danish, Spanish, French and there's rumor I have a smidgen of African American in there somewhere...Perhaps there's just enough English that I could cut off my left foot to leave here and you could deport the rest of me.
  16. Oh crap~!! I forgot to use my blinker yesterday. :muted:

  17. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    This law is different though, it says that you need to become a citizen to live here. If one of the illegals breaks the law and runs a red light then deportation should happen ;)
  18. Luckily for you Queen, aside from naturalized citizens, citizenship is "by blood or by soil", so both your foot and the rest of your body can stay. :)

    As for breaking the law, we pay our penalties for those crimes. Traffic violations have fines. Misdemeanors & felonies have their own stricter consequences. The penalty for illegal immigration = deportation.

    If you (you being anyone) simply don't believe that illegal immigrants have a negative impact on our economy and society, just do some simple google searches and you'll find some very poinant statistics.
    Last edited: 19 Apr 2006
  19. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    I seem to remember that under State law somewhere, everyone is breaking the law all the time -- one law requires that everyone carry some money at all times so that they aren't guilty of vagrancy, and another one makes it illegal to carry money as it is considered a 'gambling device'.

    Sometimes I think that instead of amending the constitution 27 times, we should have made the First Amendment simply say "Congress shall make no law" and been done with it. :p

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