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Half Life 2

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Paladin, 15 Nov 2004.

  1. holly crapyour done already
  2. Naw, the first one and the second one a totally unrelated. The Combine, Overwatch, and so on all have nothing to do with HL1. Only the three old scientists (Vance, Breen, Eisner), the G-Man, and the few references to Black Mesa connect the two games together.
  3. ..... and all of the aliens from zen.
  4. Well to be fair only the vortigaunts, which I don't believe were from Xen (they were enslaved by the Xen aliens) and the headcrabs, which are probably a bio-weapon like those big soldier dudes with the metal shoulder armor plating and the guns which fire bees, are from the original.

    But yes, those two aliens were from HL1 as well. Even still though, point still stands, HL2 needs to explain its story better.
  5. Xen was a border world, a universe in between universes, no one actually lived there, except maybe headcrabs.

    Alot of things return from the original Half life. Barney, Kliener, Eli, headcrabs, vordigaunts, the crowbar, the crossbow, hell even most of the sounds. The reason most of HL2 is unrelated to HL1 is because it takes place quite some time after the original, alot has changed.

    I think HL2 leaves you in the dark for alot of it because they are setting you up for an HL3. It's so obvious.
  6. yea, I got it tuesday and it was hard to put down. I'd get to a spot where I couldn't pass it so I'd say "alright I'll just save game and then go crazy and shoot everything til I die...then I'd end up passing the level and keep going.

    As far as the game plot, looking back at the ending I kind of understand the reasoning for not really having the plot. What I found out when asking people, the aliens invaded, the military (combines etc) formed to kill everything and put civilians into work shops or w/e.

    If you want I can make another thread giving my theory of the entire game from the end but it'd be a major spoiler to the game
  7. This will have all you need (warning, SPOILERS!):


    BTW, in case some of you are getting this, there is an undisclosed "stuttering" bug in the gameplay for HL2's engine that a lot of people are experienceing. At the moment there has been no reply to the thousands of HL2-players from Valve about this... which means they might be trying to find out where its actually coming from. Reports from other players, however, have stated that this is not directly associated with anyone's system spec or their internet connection, and it might be a error created randomly on the Steam system, when everyone was trying to get activated at the same time.

    Since I work for HLFallout now, when we get the word on a fix, so will you!
  8. Here we are, as promised:

    A small number of Half-Life 2 customers have been experiencing problems while playing the game, and we have traced these issues to corrupt Steam cache files. We've released a Steam update to help resolve these issues. If you have been experiencing problems such as crashing during gameplay or startup of Half-Life 2, please restart Steam and then click on one of the links below. Steam will then automatically verify your cache files. The verification process will take roughly five minutes to complete.

    To validate Half-Life 2 click here

    To validate Counter-Strike: Source click here

    To validate Half-Life: Source click here

    We're also investigating a solution for the sound skipping problems a small number of users are running into. We'll have a solution for this as soon as possible.
  9. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    I've got a friend that seems to be stuck and he's spent the past 12 hours telling me about it. *ugh* Is there another way around this?

  10. put 1 turret in each doorway and the extra at an angle to cover one of the turrets from being knocked over. I basically wasted my ammo through it. Watch the doorway w/ only one turret the most and use the shotgun when they start swarming in. As soon as one turret goes down clear the hallway and set it back up. Stay healed at the healing station too
  11. I set the turrets up, but they all got knocked over by nades very quickly. The best thing to do is to hide in the turret cubbies with a shotgun and quicksave two seconds after you kill a guard. Thats what I did :D
  12. Valve has deactivated 20,000 steam accounts which had tried to play Half-Life 2 without purchasing it.

    good luck with that duff
  13. Did You Know: In Nova Prospekt, if you have no rockets left but Portal-Energy Grenades (those snazzy balls that disintergrate people) from the Overwatch Rifle, you can use them to blow up the Striders!

    Either that, or you wait 15 rockets later, and probably die...
    Last edited: 24 Nov 2004
  14. I know who the Gman is (and I don't mean the actor, either)...
  15. Thanks for the luck but im l33t and not scured :)
  16. Im at some place after you control all the Starship tropper bugs and i just got the girl but she froze so i closed it just to tell you all. And i dont have to run steam to play the game just to tell you mold. I will be getting this game when i get my first pay check dont know about WoW yet though.
  17. NVM got it.... to short for the 4 years it took to come out others wise amazing game.
    Last edited: 3 Dec 2004

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