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Hunting Bambi (aka shooting naked girls with paintballs)

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Rayzer, 15 Jul 2003.

  1. exactly...
  2. no good will come of this
  3. I know, I've been hit with paintballs before :p I'm just saying that for a buck, people will do a lot of stuff. I mean prostitustion is legal in Nevada. I have more of an issue with the people that would pay to do that than I do with the women who choose to be the targets. Yes, I think its sad that they are doing that. But hell, to make a few grand on a weekend, I'd probably do it too :p It has nothing to do with self-respect, just materialism :)
  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I heard someone say once -

    Wretches like this bunch are speeding this country to destruction...
  5. hate to disagree with you all... but everyone has a right to do what they please. If men lay out an offer to shoot women with paintballs, and the women accept it... Well, thats thier perogative. Looks like they get paid well enough.
    Fling :D
  6. I agree with you in a way fling. In that the women have the right to choose or not to do it.

    I'm just wondering what kind of crazed psycho is paying $10,000 to shoot at them.

    I mean what is the next step for a person like that? Others have already pointed out the posibilites.

    Doing something like that to a woman, regardless of whether or not she is concenting, crosses all kinds of moral boundries.
  7. Greetings,

    These type of actions bring out a great dark nature within individuals. This can be very dangerous. Especially what it teaches younger people when they have not yet learned about what is right and wrong. Fling does have a point that many individuals do questionable things for money, But there has to be a line drawn when a action is so dark that the outcome can only be the degradation of individuals.
  8. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    So I have a right to come to your house and take anything I want simply because it pleases me?

    I know, its an extreme example, but it leads to my question - "Where do we draw the line?"

    There has to be a limit to fulfilling the wanton desires of men, and maintaining the dignity of mankind.
  9. Mrs. Mani

    Mrs. Mani Boss Lady<br><font color="red">Shopping Technician

    You go Mani
  10. yeah...alla 'bout the $$ ...so i guess that makes it okay...

    whenever i hear someone say " i have the right to do what i please" makes me think they are selfish...because they think that they can do whatever they want no matter who they hurt...as long as they get what they want....

    we are becoming a society where morals and integrity(sp) mean nothing...its all about how much am i worth, meaning in dollars...god help us all...
  11. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    I have an autococker and a digital camera. Well I don't have the gun anymore but pictures of a nekid Gayzer running around... priceless.


    Queen brought up a good point though. Those women had no self respect. How about some integrity people.. sheesh. How hard is it to find a person with decent morals these days?


  12. I agree, but I didn't even bother downloading the video's, what was his reward?

    This whole things bites arse....

    Hmmm... wonder if they'll blame this on video games too?!?!
  13. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    hehe the guy who runs the operation has been getting interviewed on the news stations, he is quite piece of work :lol:

    I could care less about all this, I've found there is less stress in my life when I don't worry about things out of my control. :D Some guy wants to cap a chick with a paintball, and wants to pay for it. Let him :p
  14. You know what is totally screwed up about this whole thing?

    If some paintball company downtown Milwaukee was holding matches where you were not allowed to wear protective head gear, parents, lawmakers, and lawyers would have a field day. And soon enough the safety of people would take precedance. Yet somehow this is ok.

    The attitude of "You have the right to do whatever you want" is 100% false. That is what being part of a society is all about. You give up some of your rights in order to be protected by that society. I give up the right to burn down Mani's house and in turn society says that Mani is not allowed to burn down my house.

    There has always been the trade off. The difference is that in this society we have a voice in the freedoms we are giving up. Many people's freedoms are simply taken regardless of how they feel.

    Anyway, with luck the whole thing will be outlawed in very short order.

  15. Translate that to: "If some guy wants to make a school and not let Blacks in, let him."

    Or many such things. We become a better society by not letting these things go. Let us not lose all sense of morality in some obscure view of freedom.
  16. It made MSNBC...


    I like in the article:

    "paintball equipment manufacturer Brass Eagle Inc. issued a press release denouncing the concept and calling on local officials to investigate whether the hunts endanger the women’s health and welfare."
    Last edited: 16 Jul 2003
  17. Greetings,

    After this added attention to this subject..I dont see these two individuals in buisness much longer. I hope they are shut down as soon as possible and something like this is never seen again.
  18. it'll just go underground and bring out even worse dredges of society...because now the thrill is that its not "legal"

    i fig'r these are the types of fellas that participate in canned hunts...which is disgusting in its own right...
  19. southernrebel

    southernrebel Dragon Wolf daughter

    I agree with my daddy on this subject. I think it is sick i didnt even watch the video just reading the article was enough. You know i am only 17 and I havent been around long and I have made alot of mistakes but you read that and think they wouldnt let elvis be seen on tv becuase he shaked his hips but now this. Kinda makes you wonder.
  20. Master

    Master "First Ten" Club Member

    I like Desperados suggestion of going to the Gardens.. Other people know of this place at the end of the rainbow?

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