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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Sentrosi, 8 Nov 2005.

  1. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    More pretty graphics.. but the whole PVE thing still has me skeptical. Seems more like an RPG than anything to me.
  2. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    I liked it the first time...... when it was called starship troopers!

    :p Hope the game can deliver, looks good!
  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    :lol: Was thinking the same thing
  4. ZERG !!!!

    Game looks good, can't wait for beta to try it out. Look forward to the game play and have question about what the obj will be in PVP. Hopes its more than an tribes area type thing.

    hmmm only thing i find at gamestop


    shows that its for the xbox 360 now??????
    Last edited: 15 Feb 2006
  5. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    From what I've read about this game is that PvP will be split up. There will be BGs that will affect the "world situation" and PvP zones. It's similar to Planetside in that once you gain control of, say, a tech base, you gain the use of Prowlers and Reavers at all your bases.

    The PvP zones will just be like skirmishes. Sort of like patrolling around WoW and coming across Alliance. Horde have to kill Alliance, so they go at it. Horde wins, but they gain no advantage in the "real world" simply because they've killed some Alliance in Ashenvale.
  6. hmmm thats making it sound even better ! Mani I did see a hottie drop in the latest demo video if thats helps you any.

    Sent when your ready to do your gamegasm make sure you not pointing anywhere toward me :eek:
  7. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    :rofl: Gamekakke

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    To Sent:
    To Pali:
    Always been for the 360 as far as I know.

    And that trailer did nothing but confuse me.
  9. jeez i hope you don't use that stickler when my thing comes out :rolleyes:
  10. hehe we can't wait to see your "thing" .........that sounds funny but yeah looking forward to it.
  11. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Neg same deal - looks like Single Player Doom with a really expensive server browser to me. :lol:
  12. ...then I think what you're reaching for is either too hard or too damn boring to even put into an MMOFPS, in my opinion :)
  13. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    What I am looking for is something similar to PlanetSide - that is the way MMOFPS's should be going. Not the PVE grinding way. I don't want to grind for hours on end so I can have a better gun than the next guy. I'm not going to pay for a game that is the same as every other single player FPS that just has a few instanced areas for PVP.

    They are pretty much doing the same thing WoW did with Battlegrounds - not for me ;) IMO it's a step backwards for MMOFPS.
    Last edited: 17 Feb 2006
  14. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I dunno.. It DOES look very interesting.. They go on to make a point that gaining XP doesn't make you any better than the next guy, but does give you access to better weapons.. Just like Planetside does. The main difference being you're fighting computer opponents to do it, not human ones necessarily.

    Ultimately, I'd hate to see that I've got the best gun I can achieve for my level, to face off against some guy with "Sulfuron: Mighty rocket Launcher of Ragnaros" or some crap like that.. they've really got to control the idea that levelling will bring your vastly superior equipment than everyone else. Or the idea that you'd NEED the rare equipment to do certain missions or quests..

    That would only spawn farmers and VANQUISH type twats who make playing the game ONLY about getting the best equipment.

    That said, I'd much rather travel into "instanced based PvE" encounters with a group of CDL, working as a squad. where I know their talent is more important to success than the equipment they blew days on days to aquire.
    Same with PvP or "ganking" encounters. I'd much rather fight it out with a gun on equal grounds. Rather than some hopeless PvP where I've got no chance of winning, because my opponent hasn't seen sunlight in months having never left End Game instances.

    Huxley has potential to be something decent if they keep weapon balance under control and keep the emphasis off needing the most elite gear to win. No epic rocket launchers trumping pure skill..

    Of course if there's just repetitive fighting all the time, with little point to it, the game will lose its lustre eventually..

    Definitely looks interesting though..
  15. This game is all about skill when it comes to twitch. One of the biggest differences between it and PS. This gmae will play more like UT where the action is fast pace and a truly skilled player can take on 3 or 4 less skilled people and win, unlike PS.

    there will still be a lot of PVP but there will be the element of PvP too which will be nice to be able to switch back and forth between.

    Personally i think this game is going to kick ass and can not wait till it comes out.

    Last edited: 17 Feb 2006
  16. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I'm excited about this game. Using strategy is something that doesn't work with WoW in battlegrounds because, essentially, there is only one viable way to win those things. Both teams know it and look to exploit it as quickly as possible.

    Huxley looks to be something different. I agree with Duff in that I think it would be awesome to have 3 or 4 -CDL- squadmembers killing off that 'Zerg' hive in the video then go back and pop a few 'beers' at the local brothel/bar.

    I love Planetside before they introduced the BFRs. And while Planetside has improved since then, I can't say my heart is completely committed to it as it had in the past. As it gets closer and closer to release dates I'll try to keep a heads up on this game. It looks fun.
    Last edited: 17 Feb 2006
  17. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Did I say I wanted an exact clone of PS? The hitboxes and such in PS do kind of stink. But I am good with a PVE shooter that I can just play at home. A subscription fee for a fancy server browser? Want close squad tactics? Buy Ghost recon or Rainbow six. That's all this is, with leveling and fancy weapons when you rank up. PS eveyrone is equal - the only difference is the amount of weapons you can use. Everytime you shoot someone - its a person. Everytime you see someone? It's a person. That is an MMOFPS.

    I still don't understand how this day in age when the internet is becoming what it is people are happy with paying monthly fee's for what is essentially something you can do in a single player game.. PVE.

    I'll be passing on this piece of trash.
    Last edited: 17 Feb 2006

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