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I bought EE2 today

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Swift As Feather, 29 Apr 2005.

  1. get me a job :D
  2. Oed


    Hay Mold, we are hiring (grin). Now it is for QA and Receptionist, but it is a job (grin)

  3. Ain't nothin wrong with doin QA....

    Hell.. it gets your name in the Credits :)
  4. Yeah, try playing the game with as many computers as possible and letting it go for about 2 hours....My computer that is able to play doom 3 with full graphics and stay well above 60 FPS, but it was holding a steady 1-3 FPS in that game...
  5. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    I loved the original ee, so I will probably pick this one up eventually. I want to get my WoW toon to 60 first though, so I can contribute more to raids and such :D

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